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#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Name - - CNN - Convolution Neural Network For Photo Recognizing
Goal - - Recognize Handing Writting Word Photo
Detail:Total 5 layers neural network
* Convolution layer
* Pooling layer
* Input layer layer of BP
* Hiden layer of BP
* Output layer of BP
Author: Stephen Lee
Program: PYTHON
Date: 2017.9.20
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class CNN():
conv1 = []
w_conv1 = []
thre_conv1 = []
step_conv1 = 0
size_pooling1 = 0
num_bp1 = 0
num_bp2 = 0
num_bp3 = 0
thre_bp1 = []
thre_bp2 = []
wkj = np.mat([])
vji = np.mat([])
rate_weight = 0
rate_thre = 0
def __init__(self,conv1_get,size_p1,bp_num1,bp_num2,bp_num3,rate_w=0.2,rate_t=0.2):
:param conv1_get: [a,c,d],size, number, step of convolution kernel
:param size_p1: pooling size
:param bp_num1: units number of flatten layer
:param bp_num2: units number of hidden layer
:param bp_num3: units number of output layer
:param rate_w: rate of weight learning
:param rate_t: rate of threshold learning
self.num_bp1 = bp_num1
self.num_bp2 = bp_num2
self.num_bp3 = bp_num3
self.conv1 = conv1_get[:2]
self.step_conv1 = conv1_get[2]
self.size_pooling1 = size_p1
self.rate_weight = rate_w
self.rate_thre = rate_t
self.w_conv1 = [np.mat(-1*np.random.rand(self.conv1[0],self.conv1[0])+0.5) for i in range(self.conv1[1])]
self.wkj = np.mat(-1 * np.random.rand(self.num_bp3, self.num_bp2) + 0.5)
self.vji = np.mat(-1*np.random.rand(self.num_bp2, self.num_bp1)+0.5)
self.thre_conv1 = -2*np.random.rand(self.conv1[1])+1
self.thre_bp2 = -2*np.random.rand(self.num_bp2)+1
self.thre_bp3 = -2*np.random.rand(self.num_bp3)+1
def save_model(self,save_path):
import pickle
model_dic = {'num_bp1':self.num_bp1,
with open(save_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(model_dic, f)
print('模型已经保存: %s'% save_path)
def paste_model(self,save_path):
import pickle
with open(save_path, 'rb') as f:
model_dic = pickle.load(f)
self.num_bp1 = model_dic.get('num_bp1')
self.num_bp2 = model_dic.get('num_bp2')
self.num_bp3 = model_dic.get('num_bp3')
self.conv1 = model_dic.get('conv1')
self.step_conv1 = model_dic.get('step_conv1')
self.size_pooling1 = model_dic.get('size_pooling1')
self.rate_weight = model_dic.get('rate_weight')
self.rate_thre = model_dic.get('rate_thre')
self.w_conv1 = model_dic.get('w_conv1')
self.wkj = model_dic.get('wkj')
self.vji = model_dic.get('vji')
self.thre_conv1 = model_dic.get('thre_conv1')
self.thre_bp2 = model_dic.get('thre_bp2')
self.thre_bp3 = model_dic.get('thre_bp3')
def ReadModel(cls,model_path):
import pickle
with open(model_path, 'rb') as f:
model_dic = pickle.load(f)
conv_get= model_dic.get('conv1')
size_p1 = model_dic.get('size_pooling1')
bp1 = model_dic.get('num_bp1')
bp2 = model_dic.get('num_bp2')
bp3 = model_dic.get('num_bp3')
r_w = model_dic.get('rate_weight')
r_t = model_dic.get('rate_thre')
conv_ins = CNN(conv_get,size_p1,bp1,bp2,bp3,r_w,r_t)
conv_ins.w_conv1 = model_dic.get('w_conv1')
conv_ins.wkj = model_dic.get('wkj')
conv_ins.vji = model_dic.get('vji')
conv_ins.thre_conv1 = model_dic.get('thre_conv1')
conv_ins.thre_bp2 = model_dic.get('thre_bp2')
conv_ins.thre_bp3 = model_dic.get('thre_bp3')
return conv_ins
def sig(self,x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-1*x))
def do_round(self,x):
return round(x, 3)
def Convolute(self,data,convs,w_convs,thre_convs,conv_step):
size_conv = convs[0]
num_conv =convs[1]
size_data = np.shape(data)[0]
data_focus = []
for i_focus in range(0, size_data - size_conv + 1, conv_step):
for j_focus in range(0, size_data - size_conv + 1, conv_step):
focus = data[i_focus:i_focus + size_conv, j_focus:j_focus + size_conv]
data_featuremap = []
Size_FeatureMap = int((size_data - size_conv) / conv_step + 1)
for i_map in range(num_conv):
featuremap = []
for i_focus in range(len(data_focus)):
net_focus = np.sum(np.multiply(data_focus[i_focus], w_convs[i_map])) - thre_convs[i_map]
featuremap = np.asmatrix(featuremap).reshape(Size_FeatureMap, Size_FeatureMap)
focus1_list = []
for each_focus in data_focus:
focus_list = np.asarray(focus1_list)
return focus_list,data_featuremap
# 池化
def Pooling(self,featuremaps,size_pooling):
size_map = len(featuremaps[0])
size_pooled = int(size_map/size_pooling)
featuremap_pooled = []
for i_map in range(len(featuremaps)):
map = featuremaps[i_map]
map_pooled = []
for i_focus in range(0,size_map,size_pooling):
for j_focus in range(0, size_map, size_pooling):
focus = map[i_focus:i_focus + size_pooling, j_focus:j_focus + size_pooling]
map_pooled = np.asmatrix(map_pooled).reshape(size_pooled,size_pooled)
return featuremap_pooled
def Expand(self,datas):
data_expanded = []
for i in range(len(datas)):
shapes = np.shape(datas[i])
data_listed = datas[i].reshape(1,shapes[0]*shapes[1])
data_listed = data_listed.getA().tolist()[0]
data_expanded = np.asarray(data_expanded)
return data_expanded
def Expand_Mat(self,data_mat):
data_mat = np.asarray(data_mat)
shapes = np.shape(data_mat)
data_expanded = data_mat.reshape(1,shapes[0]*shapes[1])
return data_expanded
def Getpd_From_Pool(self,out_map,pd_pool,num_map,size_map,size_pooling):
误差反传,从pooled到前一个map, 例如将池化层6*6的误差矩阵扩大为12*12的误差矩阵
pd_pool: 是采样层的误差,list形式。。。。要改要改
out_map: 前面特征图的输出,数量*size*size的列表形式
return: pd_all:前面层所有的特征图的pd, num*size_map*size_map的列表形式
pd_all = []
i_pool = 0
for i_map in range(num_map):
pd_conv1 = np.ones((size_map, size_map))
for i in range(0, size_map, size_pooling):
for j in range(0, size_map, size_pooling):
pd_conv1[i:i + size_pooling, j:j + size_pooling] = pd_pool[i_pool]
i_pool = i_pool + 1
pd_conv2 = np.multiply(pd_conv1,np.multiply(out_map[i_map],(1-out_map[i_map])))
return pd_all
def trian(self,patterns,datas_train, datas_teach, n_repeat, error_accuracy,draw_e = bool):
print('----------------------Start Training-------------------------')
print(' - - Shape: Train_Data ',np.shape(datas_train))
print(' - - Shape: Teach_Data ',np.shape(datas_teach))
rp = 0
all_mse = []
mse = 10000
while rp < n_repeat and mse >= error_accuracy:
alle = 0
for p in range(len(datas_train)):
data_train = np.asmatrix(datas_train[p])
data_teach = np.asarray(datas_teach[p])
data_focus1,data_conved1 = self.Convolute(data_train,self.conv1,self.w_conv1,
data_pooled1 = self.Pooling(data_conved1,self.size_pooling1)
shape_featuremap1 = np.shape(data_conved1)
print(' -----original shape ', np.shape(data_train))
print(' ---- after convolution ',np.shape(data_conv1))
print(' -----after pooling ',np.shape(data_pooled1))
data_bp_input = self.Expand(data_pooled1)
# 计算第一层输入输出
bp_out1 = data_bp_input
# 计算第二层输入输出
bp_net_j =,self.vji.T) - self.thre_bp2
bp_out2 = self.sig(bp_net_j)
# 计算第三层输入输出
bp_net_k = ,self.wkj.T) - self.thre_bp3
bp_out3 = self.sig(bp_net_k)
# 计算一般化误差
pd_k_all = np.multiply((data_teach - bp_out3), np.multiply(bp_out3, (1 - bp_out3)))
pd_j_all = np.multiply(,self.wkj), np.multiply(bp_out2, (1 - bp_out2)))
pd_i_all =,self.vji)
pd_conv1_pooled = pd_i_all / (self.size_pooling1*self.size_pooling1)
pd_conv1_pooled = pd_conv1_pooled.T.getA().tolist()
pd_conv1_all = self.Getpd_From_Pool(data_conved1,pd_conv1_pooled,shape_featuremap1[0],
#卷积层1的权重和阈值修正,每个卷积核的权重需要修正 12*12(map) 次
#修正量为featuremap中点的偏导值 乘以 前一层图像focus, 整个权重模板一起更新
for k_conv in range(self.conv1[1]):
pd_conv_list = self.Expand_Mat(pd_conv1_all[k_conv])
delta_w = self.rate_weight *,data_focus1)
self.w_conv1[k_conv] = self.w_conv1[k_conv] + delta_w.reshape((self.conv1[0],self.conv1[0]))
self.thre_conv1[k_conv] = self.thre_conv1[k_conv] - np.sum(pd_conv1_all[k_conv]) * self.rate_thre
# 更新kj层的权重
self.wkj = self.wkj + pd_k_all.T * bp_out2 * self.rate_weight
# 更新ji层的权重
self.vji = self.vji + pd_j_all.T * bp_out1 * self.rate_weight
# 更新阈值
self.thre_bp3 = self.thre_bp3 - pd_k_all * self.rate_thre
self.thre_bp2 = self.thre_bp2 - pd_j_all * self.rate_thre
# 计算总误差
errors = np.sum(abs((data_teach - bp_out3)))
alle = alle + errors
#print(' ----Teach ',data_teach)
#print(' ----BP_output ',bp_out3)
rp = rp + 1
mse = alle/patterns
def draw_error():
yplot = [error_accuracy for i in range(int(n_repeat * 1.2))]
plt.plot(all_mse, '+-')
plt.plot(yplot, 'r--')
plt.xlabel('Learning Times')
plt.grid(True, alpha=0.5)
print('------------------Training Complished---------------------')
print(' - - Training epoch: ', rp, ' - - Mse: %.6f' % mse)
if draw_e:
return mse
def produce(self,datas_test):
produce_out = []
print('-------------------Start Testing-------------------------')
print(' - - Shape: Test_Data ',np.shape(datas_test))
for p in range(len(datas_test)):
print('--------测试第%d个图像----------' % p)
data_test = np.asmatrix(datas_test[p])
data_focus1, data_conved1 = self.Convolute(data_test, self.conv1, self.w_conv1,
self.thre_conv1, conv_step=self.step_conv1)
data_pooled1 = self.Pooling(data_conved1, self.size_pooling1)
data_bp_input = self.Expand(data_pooled1)
# 计算第一层输入输出
bp_out1 = data_bp_input
# 计算第二层输入输出
bp_net_j = bp_out1 * self.vji.T - self.thre_bp2
bp_out2 = self.sig(bp_net_j)
# 计算第三层输入输出
bp_net_k = bp_out2 * self.wkj.T - self.thre_bp3
bp_out3 = self.sig(bp_net_k)
res = [list(map(self.do_round,each)) for each in produce_out]
return np.asarray(res)
def convolution(self,data):
data_test = np.asmatrix(data)
data_focus1, data_conved1 = self.Convolute(data_test, self.conv1, self.w_conv1,
self.thre_conv1, conv_step=self.step_conv1)
data_pooled1 = self.Pooling(data_conved1, self.size_pooling1)
return data_conved1,data_pooled1
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