Update rod_cutting.py (#995)

* Update rod_cutting.py

A hopefully clearer implementation without dependence on global variables.

* Update rod_cutting.py

added doctests

* Update rod_cutting.py

* Update rod_cutting.py
This commit is contained in:
Sanders Lin 2019-07-13 15:12:54 +08:00 committed by cclauss
parent 7a6ebb85a2
commit 7271c0d64a

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@ -1,58 +1,57 @@
### PROBLEM ### from typing import List
def rod_cutting(prices: List[int],length: int) -> int:
""" """
We are given a rod of length n and we are given the array of prices, also of Given a rod of length n and array of prices that indicate price at each length.
length n. This array contains the price for selling a rod at a certain length. Determine the maximum value obtainable by cutting up the rod and selling the pieces
For example, prices[5] shows the price we can sell a rod of length 5.
Generalising, prices[x] shows the price a rod of length x can be sold. >>> rod_cutting([1,5,8,9],4)
We are tasked to find the optimal solution to sell the given rod. 10
>>> rod_cutting([1,1,1],3)
>>> rod_cutting([1,2,3], -1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Given integer must be greater than 1, not -1
>>> rod_cutting([1,2,3], 3.2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Must be int, not float
>>> rod_cutting([], 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: prices list is shorted than length: 3
prices: list indicating price at each length, where prices[0] = 0 indicating rod of zero length has no value
length: length of rod
Maximum revenue attainable by cutting up the rod in any way.
""" """
### SOLUTION ### prices.insert(0, 0)
""" if not isinstance(length, int):
Profit(n) = max(1<i<n){Price(n),Price(i)+Profit(n-i)} raise TypeError('Must be int, not {0}'.format(type(length).__name__))
if length < 0:
raise ValueError('Given integer must be greater than 1, not {0}'.format(length))
assert len(prices) - 1 >= length, "prices list is shorted than length: {0}".format(length)
When we receive a rod, we have two options: return rod_cutting_recursive(prices, length)
a) Don't cut it and sell it as is (receiving prices[length])
b) Cut it and sell it in two parts. The length we cut it and the rod we are
left with, which we have to try and sell separately in an efficient way.
Choose the maximum price we can get.
def CutRod(n): def rod_cutting_recursive(prices: List[int],length: int) -> int:
if(n == 1): #base case
#Cannot cut rod any further if length == 0:
return prices[1] return 0
value = float('-inf')
noCut = prices[n] #The price you get when you don't cut the rod for firstCutLocation in range(1,length+1):
yesCut = [-1 for x in range(n)] #The prices for the different cutting options value = max(value, prices[firstCutLocation]+rod_cutting_recursive(prices,length - firstCutLocation))
return value
for i in range(1,n):
if(solutions[i] == -1):
#We haven't calulated solution for length i yet.
#We know we sell the part of length i so we get prices[i].
#We just need to know how to sell rod of length n-i
yesCut[i] = prices[i] + CutRod(n-i)
#We have calculated solution for length i.
#We add the two prices.
yesCut[i] = prices[i] + solutions[n-i]
#We need to find the highest price in order to sell more efficiently.
#We have to choose between noCut and the prices in yesCut.
m = noCut #Initialize max to noCut
for i in range(n):
if(yesCut[i] > m):
m = yesCut[i]
solutions[n] = m
return m
def main():
assert rod_cutting([1,5,8,9,10,17,17,20,24,30],10) == 30
# print(rod_cutting([],0))
### EXAMPLE ### if __name__ == '__main__':
length = 5 main()
#The first price, 0, is for when we have no rod.
prices = [0, 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 21, 30]
solutions = [-1 for x in range(length+1)]