[tool.ruff] lint.ignore = [ # `ruff rule S101` for a description of that rule "B904", # Within an `except` clause, raise exceptions with `raise ... from err` -- FIX ME "B905", # `zip()` without an explicit `strict=` parameter -- FIX ME "EM101", # Exception must not use a string literal, assign to variable first "EXE001", # Shebang is present but file is not executable -- DO NOT FIX "G004", # Logging statement uses f-string "PLC1901", # `{}` can be simplified to `{}` as an empty string is falsey "PLW060", # Using global for `{name}` but no assignment is done -- DO NOT FIX "PLW2901", # PLW2901: Redefined loop variable -- FIX ME "PT011", # `pytest.raises(Exception)` is too broad, set the `match` parameter or use a more specific exception "PT018", # Assertion should be broken down into multiple parts "RUF002", # Docstring contains ambiguous {}. Did you mean {}? "RUF003", # Comment contains ambiguous {}. Did you mean {}? "S101", # Use of `assert` detected -- DO NOT FIX "S311", # Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for cryptographic purposes -- FIX ME "SLF001", # Private member accessed: `_Iterator` -- FIX ME "UP038", # Use `X | Y` in `{}` call instead of `(X, Y)` -- DO NOT FIX ] lint.select = [ # https://beta.ruff.rs/docs/rules "A", # flake8-builtins "ARG", # flake8-unused-arguments "ASYNC", # flake8-async "B", # flake8-bugbear "BLE", # flake8-blind-except "C4", # flake8-comprehensions "C90", # McCabe cyclomatic complexity "DJ", # flake8-django "DTZ", # flake8-datetimez "E", # pycodestyle "EM", # flake8-errmsg "EXE", # flake8-executable "F", # Pyflakes "FA", # flake8-future-annotations "FLY", # flynt "G", # flake8-logging-format "I", # isort "ICN", # flake8-import-conventions "INP", # flake8-no-pep420 "INT", # flake8-gettext "ISC", # flake8-implicit-str-concat "N", # pep8-naming "NPY", # NumPy-specific rules "PD", # pandas-vet "PGH", # pygrep-hooks "PIE", # flake8-pie "PL", # Pylint "PT", # flake8-pytest-style "PYI", # flake8-pyi "RSE", # flake8-raise "RUF", # Ruff-specific rules "S", # flake8-bandit "SIM", # flake8-simplify "SLF", # flake8-self "T10", # flake8-debugger "TD", # flake8-todos "TID", # flake8-tidy-imports "UP", # pyupgrade "W", # pycodestyle "YTT", # flake8-2020 # "ANN", # flake8-annotations # FIX ME? # "COM", # flake8-commas # "D", # pydocstyle -- FIX ME? # "ERA", # eradicate -- DO NOT FIX # "FBT", # flake8-boolean-trap # FIX ME # "PTH", # flake8-use-pathlib # FIX ME # "Q", # flake8-quotes # "RET", # flake8-return # FIX ME? # "T20", # flake8-print # "TCH", # flake8-type-checking # "TRY", # tryceratops ] output-format = "full" target-version = "py312" [tool.ruff.lint.mccabe] # DO NOT INCREASE THIS VALUE max-complexity = 17 # default: 10 [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] "arithmetic_analysis/newton_raphson.py" = ["PGH001"] "audio_filters/show_response.py" = ["ARG002"] "data_structures/binary_tree/binary_search_tree_recursive.py" = ["BLE001"] "data_structures/binary_tree/treap.py" = ["SIM114"] "data_structures/hashing/hash_table.py" = ["ARG002"] "data_structures/hashing/quadratic_probing.py" = ["ARG002"] "data_structures/hashing/tests/test_hash_map.py" = ["BLE001"] "data_structures/heap/max_heap.py" = ["SIM114"] "graphs/minimum_spanning_tree_prims.py" = ["SIM114"] "hashes/enigma_machine.py" = ["BLE001"] "machine_learning/decision_tree.py" = ["SIM114"] "machine_learning/linear_discriminant_analysis.py" = ["ARG005"] "machine_learning/sequential_minimum_optimization.py" = ["SIM115"] "matrix/sherman_morrison.py" = ["SIM103", "SIM114"] "other/l*u_cache.py" = ["RUF012"] "physics/newtons_second_law_of_motion.py" = ["BLE001"] "project_euler/problem_099/sol1.py" = ["SIM115"] "sorts/external_sort.py" = ["SIM115"] [tool.ruff.lint.pylint] # DO NOT INCREASE THESE VALUES allow-magic-value-types = ["float", "int", "str"] max-args = 10 # default: 5 max-branches = 20 # default: 12 max-returns = 8 # default: 6 max-statements = 88 # default: 50 [tool.codespell] ignore-words-list = "3rt,ans,bitap,crate,damon,fo,followings,hist,iff,kwanza,manuel,mater,secant,som,sur,tim,toi,zar" skip = "./.*,*.json,ciphers/prehistoric_men.txt,project_euler/problem_022/p022_names.txt,pyproject.toml,strings/dictionary.txt,strings/words.txt" [tool.pytest.ini_options] markers = [ "mat_ops: mark a test as utilizing matrix operations.", ] addopts = [ "--durations=10", "--doctest-modules", "--showlocals", ] [tool.coverage.report] omit = [ ".env/*", "project_euler/*" ] sort = "Cover"