This is a followup to https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Python/pull/4973#issuecomment-933117382 As per given suggestion, I've added type hints to certain methods that don't have them. I have also added documentation and example doctests as a usage example for (most of) those that don't have them. I have also added another test case following the previous test case's format. I noticed that the existing test case from previous pull request might be redundant with the ones I've made, so I decided to create a specific situation where the linked list would have to keep different kinds of data types for each node, in `test_singly_linked_list_2` test function. Some minor changes in strings has been done to keep things consistent with other parts of the document. If it is undesirable, please let me know.
Implementations are for learning purposes only. As they may be less efficient than the implementations in the Python standard library, use them at your discretion.
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