The following is a list of free and/or open source books on machine learning, statistics, data mining, etc. ## Machine Learning / Data Mining * [Distributed Machine Learning Patterns]( - Book (free to read online) + Code * [The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book]( * [Real World Machine Learning]( [Free Chapters] * [An Introduction To Statistical Learning]( - Book + R Code * [Elements of Statistical Learning]( - Book * [Computer Age Statistical Inference (CASI)]( ([Permalink as of October 2017]( - Book * [Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers]( - Book + IPython Notebooks * [Think Bayes]( - Book + Python Code * [Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms]( * [Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning]( * [Data Intensive Text Processing w/ MapReduce]( * [Reinforcement Learning: - An Introduction]( ([Permalink to Nov 2017 Draft]( * [Mining Massive Datasets]( * [A First Encounter with Machine Learning]( * [Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning]( * [Machine Learning & Bayesian Reasoning]( * [Introduction to Machine Learning]( - Alex Smola and S.V.N. Vishwanathan * [A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition]( * [Introduction to Information Retrieval]( * [Forecasting: principles and practice]( * [Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java]( * [Introduction to Machine Learning]( - Amnon Shashua * [Reinforcement Learning]( * [Machine Learning]( * [A Quest for AI]( * [Introduction to Applied Bayesian Statistics and Estimation for Social Scientists]( - Scott M. Lynch * [Bayesian Modeling, Inference and Prediction]( * [A Course in Machine Learning]( * [Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification]( * [Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning]( Book+MatlabToolBox * [R Programming for Data Science]( * [Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques]( Book * [Machine Learning with TensorFlow]( Early book access * [Machine Learning Systems]( Early book access * [Hands‑On Machine Learning with Scikit‑Learn and TensorFlow]( - Aurélien Géron * [R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data]( - Wickham and Grolemund. Great introduction on how to use R language. * [Advanced R]( - Hadley Wickham. More advanced usage of R for programming. * [Graph-Powered Machine Learning]( - Alessandro Negro. Combining graph theory and models to improve machine learning projects. * [Machine Learning for Dummies]( * [Machine Learning for Mortals (Mere and Otherwise)]( - Early access book that provides basics of machine learning and using R programming language. * [Grokking Machine Learning]( - Early access book that introduces the most valuable machine learning techniques. - [Foundations of Machine Learning]( - Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Ameet Talwalkar - [Understanding Machine Learning]( - Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David - [How Machine Learning Works]( - Mostafa Samir. Early access book that intorduces machine learning from both practical and theoretical aspects in a non-threating way. - [Fighting Churn With Data]( [Free Chapter] Carl Gold - Hands on course in applied data science in Python and SQL, taught through the use case of customer churn. - [Machine Learning Bookcamp]( - Alexey Grigorev - a project-based approach on learning machine learning (early access). - [AI Summer]( A blog to help you learn Deep Learning an Artificial Intelligence - [Python Data Science Handbook- Oriely]( - [Mathematics for Machine Learning]( - [Approaching Almost any Machine learning problem Abhishek Thakur]( - [MLOps Engineering at Scale]( - Carl Osipov - Guide to bringing your experimental machine learning code to production using serverless capabilities from major cloud providers. - [AI-Powered Search]( - Trey Grainger, Doug Turnbull, Max Irwin - Early access book that teaches you how to build search engines that automatically understand the intention of a query in order to deliver significantly better results. - [Ensemble Methods for Machine Learning]( - Gautam Kunapuli - Early access book that teaches you to implement the most important ensemble machine learning methods from scratch. - [Machine Learning Engineering in Action]( - Ben Wilson - Field-tested tips, tricks, and design patterns for building Machine Learning projects that are deployable, maintainable, and secure from concept to production. - [Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning]( - J. Morris Chang, Di Zhuang, G. Dumindu Samaraweera - Keep sensitive user data safe and secure, without sacrificing the accuracy of your machine learning models. - [Automated Machine Learning in Action]( - Qingquan Song, Haifeng Jin, and Xia Hu - Optimize every stage of your machine learning pipelines with powerful automation components and cutting-edge tools like AutoKeras and Keras Tuner. - [Distributed Machine Learning Patterns]( - Yuan Tang - Practical patterns for scaling machine learning from your laptop to a distributed cluster. - [Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning: Active learning and annotation for human-centered AI]( - Robert (Munro) Monarch - a practical guide to optimizing the entire machine learning process, including techniques for annotation, active learning, transfer learning, and using machine learning to optimize every step of the process. - [Feature Engineering Bookcamp]( - Maurucio Aniche - This book’s practical case-studies reveal feature engineering techniques that upgrade your data wrangling—and your ML results. - [Metalearning: Applications to Automated Machine Learning and Data Mining]( - Pavel Brazdil, Jan N. van Rijn, Carlos Soares, Joaquin Vanschoren - [Managing Machine Learning Projects: From design to deployment]( - Simon Thompson - [Causal Machine Learning]( - Robert Ness - Practical introduction to building AI models that can reason about causality. - [Bayesian Optimization in Action]( - Quan Nguyen - Book about building Bayesian optimization systems from the ground up. - [Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth]( - Vadim Smolyakov - Book about practical implementations of dozens of ML algorithms. - [Optimization Algorithms]( - Alaa Khamis - Book about how to solve design, planning, and control problems using modern machine learning and AI techniques. ## Deep Learning * [Deep Learning - An MIT Press book]( * [Deep Learning with Python]( * [Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition]( Early access book * [Deep Learning with JavaScript]( Early access book * [Grokking Deep Learning]( Early access book * [Deep Learning for Search]( Early access book * [Deep Learning and the Game of Go]( Early access book * [Machine Learning for Business]( Early access book * [Probabilistic Deep Learning with Python]( Early access book * [Deep Learning with Structured Data]( Early access book * [Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications]( * [Deep Learning]([Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville] * [Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition]( * [Inside Deep Learning]( Early access book * [Math and Architectures of Deep Learning]( Early access book * [Deep Learning for Natural Lanuage Processing]( Early access book ## Natural Language Processing * [Coursera Course Book on NLP]( * [NLTK]( * [Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing]( * [Natural Language Processing in Action]( Early access book * [Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition]( Early access book * [Real-World Natural Language Processing]( Early access book * [Essential Natural Language Processing]( Early access book * [Deep Learning for Natural Lanuage Processing]( Early access book * [Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition]( Early access book * [Getting Started with Natural Language Processing in Action]( Early access book * [Transfer Learnin for Natural Language Processing]( by Paul Azunre * [Practical Gradient Boosting]( by Guillaume Saupin ## Information Retrieval * [An Introduction to Information Retrieval]( ## Neural Networks * [A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks]( * [Neural Networks and Deep Learning]( * [Graph Neural Networks in Action]( ## Probability & Statistics * [Think Stats]( - Book + Python Code * [From Algorithms to Z-Scores]( - Book * [The Art of R Programming]( - Book (Not Finished) * [Introduction to statistical thought]( * [Basic Probability Theory]( * [Introduction to probability]( - By Dartmouth College * [Probability & Statistics Cookbook]( * [Introduction to Probability]( - Book and course by MIT * [The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction.]( - Book * [An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R]( - Book * [Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R]( - Book * [Advanced R Programming]( - Book * [Practical Regression and Anova using R]( - Book * [R practicals]( - Book * [The R Inferno]( - Book * [Probability Theory: The Logic of Science]( - By Jaynes ## Linear Algebra * [The Matrix Cookbook]( * [Linear Algebra by Shilov]( * [Linear Algebra Done Wrong]( * [Linear Algebra, Theory, and Applications]( * [Convex Optimization]( * [Applied Numerical Computing]( ## Calculus * [Calculus Made Easy]( * [calculus by ron larson]( * ["Active Calculus" by Matt Boelkins](