# 好书推荐 由于本人兴趣偏向于系统方向,推荐的相关书籍也多是这个方向,因此不喜轻喷。 另外由于版权原因,下面列举的图书中除了开源书籍提供了链接,其他的资源请大家自行通过[libgen](http://libgen.is/)查找。 ## 系统入门 - Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction - Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective ## 操作系统 - [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/) - Operating Systems: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition) ## 计算机网络 - [Computer Networks: A Systems Approach](https://book.systemsapproach.org/foreword.html) - Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach ## 编译原理 - [My First Language Frontend with LLVM Tutorial](https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/MyFirstLanguageFrontend/index.html) - 龙书 ## 计算机语言(PL) - Essentials of Programming Languages (EOPL) - Types and Programming Languages (TAPL) (https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/tapl/) ## 体系结构 - Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach 5th Edition ## 分布式系统 - [Patterns of Distributed System](https://github.com/dreamhead/patterns-of-distributed-systems) - [Distributed Systems for fun and profit](http://book.mixu.net/distsys/index.html) ## 数据密集型系统设计 - Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems ([开源中文翻译](https://github.com/Vonng/ddia)) ## 密码学 - Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications