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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
# Project information
2022-11-08 02:58:42 +08:00
site_name: Hello 算法
site_url: https://www.hello-algo.com/
2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
site_author: Krahets
2023-06-21 19:39:15 +08:00
site_description: 动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程
docs_dir: build/docs
site_dir: site
2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
# Repository
2022-11-08 02:58:42 +08:00
repo_name: krahets/hello-algo
repo_url: https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo
edit_uri: tree/main/docs
2023-10-29 20:22:07 +08:00
version: 1.0.0b6
2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
# Copyright
copyright: Copyright © 2022 - 2023 Krahets
2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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2022-11-22 04:17:46 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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2023-10-08 04:42:57 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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translation: English Translation of the chapter of preface(part), introduction and complexity analysis(part) (#994) * Translate 1.0.0b6 release with the machine learning translator. * Update Dockerfile A few translation improvements. * Fix a badge logo. * Fix EN translation of chapter_appendix/terminology.md (#913) * Update README.md * Update README.md * translation: Refined the automated translation of README (#932) * refined the automated translation of README * Update index.md * Update mkdocs-en.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Yudong Jin <krahets@163.com> * translate: Embellish chapter_computational_complexity/index.md (#940) * translation: Update chapter_computational_complexity/performance_evaluation.md (#943) * Update performance_evaluation.md * Update performance_evaluation.md * Update performance_evaluation.md change 'methods' to 'approaches' on line 15 * Update performance_evaluation.md on line 21, change the sentence to 'the results could be the opposite on another computer with different specifications.' * Update performance_evaluation.md delete two short sentence on line 5 and 6 * Update performance_evaluation.md change `unavoidable` to `inevitable` on line 48 * Update performance_evaluation.md small changes on line 23 * translation: Update terminology and improve readability in preface summary (#954) * Update terminology and improve readability in preface summary This commit made a few adjustments in the 'summary.md' file for clearer and more accessible language. "Brushing tool library" was replaced with "Coding Toolkit" to better reflect common terminology. Also, advice for beginners in algorithm learning journey was reformulated to imply a more positive approach avoiding detours and common pitfalls. The section related to the discussion forum was rewritten to sound more inviting to readers. * Format * Optimize the translation of chapter_introduction/algorithms_are_everywhere. * Add .gitignore to Java subfolder. * Update the button assets. * Fix the callout * translation: chapter_computational_complexity/summary to en (#953) * translate chapter_computational_complexity/summary * minor format * Update summary.md with comment * Update summary.md * Update summary.md * translation: chapter_introduction/what_is_dsa.md (#962) * Optimize translation of what_is_dsa.md * Update * translation: chapter_introduction/summary.md (#963) * Translate chapter_introduction/summary.md * Update * translation: Update README.md (#964) * Update en translation of README.md * Update README.md * translation: update space_complexity.md (#970) * update space_complexity.md * the rest of translation piece * Update space_complexity.md --------- Co-authored-by: ThomasQiu <thomas.qiu@mnfgroup.limited> Co-authored-by: Yudong Jin <krahets@163.com> * translation: Update chapter_introduction/index.md (#971) * Update index.md sorry, first time doing this... now this is the final change. changes: title of the chapter is shorter. refined the abstract. * Update index.md --------- Co-authored-by: Yudong Jin <krahets@163.com> * translation: Update chapter_data_structure/classification_of_data_structure.md (#980) * update classification_of_data_structure.md * Update classification_of_data_structure.md --------- Co-authored-by: Yudong Jin <krahets@163.com> * translation: Update chapter_introduction/algorithms_are_everywhere.md (#972) * Update algorithms_are_everywhere.md changed or refined parts of the words and sentences including tips. Some of them I didnt change that much because im worried that it might not meet the requirement of accuracy. some other ones i changed a lot to make it sound better, but also kind of following the same wording as the CN version * Update algorithms_are_everywhere.md re-edited the dictionary part from Piyin to just normal Eng dictionary. again thank you very much hpstory for you suggestion. * Update algorithms_are_everywhere.md --------- Co-authored-by: Yudong Jin <krahets@163.com> * Prepare merging into main branch. * Update buttons * Update Dockerfile * Update index.md * Update index.md * Update README * Fix index.md * Fix mkdocs-en.yml --------- Co-authored-by: Yuelin Xin <sc20yx2@leeds.ac.uk> Co-authored-by: Phoenix Xie <phoenixx0415@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Sizhuo Long <longsizhuo@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Spark <qizhang94@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: Thomas <thomasqiu7@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThomasQiu <thomas.qiu@mnfgroup.limited> Co-authored-by: K3v123 <123932560+K3v123@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Jin <36914748+yanedie@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-22 00:16:18 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
2023-03-10 02:06:29 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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2023-03-10 02:06:29 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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2023-03-10 02:06:29 +08:00
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2022-11-22 04:17:46 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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2022-11-04 19:09:51 +08:00
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# Page tree
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 第 0 章 &nbsp; 前言:
# [icon: material/book-open-outline]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_preface/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 0.1 &nbsp; 关于本书: chapter_preface/about_the_book.md
- 0.2 &nbsp; 如何使用本书: chapter_preface/suggestions.md
- 0.3 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_preface/summary.md
- 第 1 章 &nbsp; 初识算法:
# [icon: material/calculator-variant-outline]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_introduction/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 1.1 &nbsp; 算法无处不在: chapter_introduction/algorithms_are_everywhere.md
- 1.2 &nbsp; 算法是什么: chapter_introduction/what_is_dsa.md
- 1.3 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_introduction/summary.md
- 第 2 章 &nbsp; 复杂度分析:
# [icon: material/timer-sand]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_computational_complexity/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 2.1 &nbsp; 算法效率评估: chapter_computational_complexity/performance_evaluation.md
- 2.2 &nbsp; 迭代与递归: chapter_computational_complexity/iteration_and_recursion.md
- 2.3 &nbsp; 时间复杂度: chapter_computational_complexity/time_complexity.md
- 2.4 &nbsp; 空间复杂度: chapter_computational_complexity/space_complexity.md
- 2.5 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_computational_complexity/summary.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 第 3 章 &nbsp; 数据结构:
# [icon: material/shape-outline]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_data_structure/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 3.1 &nbsp; 数据结构分类: chapter_data_structure/classification_of_data_structure.md
- 3.2 &nbsp; 基本数据类型: chapter_data_structure/basic_data_types.md
- 3.3 &nbsp; 数字编码 *: chapter_data_structure/number_encoding.md
- 3.4 &nbsp; 字符编码 *: chapter_data_structure/character_encoding.md
- 3.5 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_data_structure/summary.md
- 第 4 章 &nbsp; 数组与链表:
# [icon: material/view-list-outline]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_array_and_linkedlist/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 4.1 &nbsp; 数组: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/array.md
- 4.2 &nbsp; 链表: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/linked_list.md
- 4.3 &nbsp; 列表: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/list.md
2023-11-26 01:51:39 +08:00
# [status: new]
- 4.4 &nbsp; 内存与缓存 *: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/ram_and_cache.md
- 4.5 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/summary.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 第 5 章 &nbsp; 栈与队列:
# [icon: material/stack-overflow]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_stack_and_queue/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 5.1 &nbsp; 栈: chapter_stack_and_queue/stack.md
- 5.2 &nbsp; 队列: chapter_stack_and_queue/queue.md
- 5.3 &nbsp; 双向队列: chapter_stack_and_queue/deque.md
- 5.4 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_stack_and_queue/summary.md
2023-08-21 03:57:09 +08:00
- 第 6 章 &nbsp; 哈希表:
# [icon: material/table-search]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_hashing/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 6.1 &nbsp; 哈希表: chapter_hashing/hash_map.md
- 6.2 &nbsp; 哈希冲突: chapter_hashing/hash_collision.md
- 6.3 &nbsp; 哈希算法: chapter_hashing/hash_algorithm.md
- 6.4 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_hashing/summary.md
- 第 7 章 &nbsp; 树:
# [icon: material/graph-outline]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_tree/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 7.1 &nbsp; 二叉树: chapter_tree/binary_tree.md
- 7.2 &nbsp; 二叉树遍历: chapter_tree/binary_tree_traversal.md
- 7.3 &nbsp; 二叉树数组表示: chapter_tree/array_representation_of_tree.md
- 7.4 &nbsp; 二叉搜索树: chapter_tree/binary_search_tree.md
- 7.5 &nbsp; AVL 树 *: chapter_tree/avl_tree.md
- 7.6 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_tree/summary.md
- 第 8 章 &nbsp; 堆:
# [icon: material/family-tree]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_heap/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 8.1 &nbsp; 堆: chapter_heap/heap.md
- 8.2 &nbsp; 建堆操作: chapter_heap/build_heap.md
- 8.3 &nbsp; Top-k 问题: chapter_heap/top_k.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 8.4 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_heap/summary.md
- 第 9 章 &nbsp; 图:
# [icon: material/graphql]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_graph/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 9.1 &nbsp; 图: chapter_graph/graph.md
- 9.2 &nbsp; 图基础操作: chapter_graph/graph_operations.md
- 9.3 &nbsp; 图的遍历: chapter_graph/graph_traversal.md
- 9.4 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_graph/summary.md
- 第 10 章 &nbsp; 搜索:
# [icon: material/text-search]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_searching/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 10.1 &nbsp; 二分查找: chapter_searching/binary_search.md
- 10.2 &nbsp; 二分查找插入点: chapter_searching/binary_search_insertion.md
- 10.3 &nbsp; 二分查找边界: chapter_searching/binary_search_edge.md
- 10.4 &nbsp; 哈希优化策略: chapter_searching/replace_linear_by_hashing.md
- 10.5 &nbsp; 重识搜索算法: chapter_searching/searching_algorithm_revisited.md
- 10.6 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_searching/summary.md
- 第 11 章 &nbsp; 排序:
# [icon: material/sort-ascending]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_sorting/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 11.1 &nbsp; 排序算法: chapter_sorting/sorting_algorithm.md
- 11.2 &nbsp; 选择排序: chapter_sorting/selection_sort.md
- 11.3 &nbsp; 冒泡排序: chapter_sorting/bubble_sort.md
- 11.4 &nbsp; 插入排序: chapter_sorting/insertion_sort.md
- 11.5 &nbsp; 快速排序: chapter_sorting/quick_sort.md
- 11.6 &nbsp; 归并排序: chapter_sorting/merge_sort.md
- 11.7 &nbsp; 堆排序: chapter_sorting/heap_sort.md
- 11.8 &nbsp; 桶排序: chapter_sorting/bucket_sort.md
- 11.9 &nbsp; 计数排序: chapter_sorting/counting_sort.md
- 11.10 &nbsp; 基数排序: chapter_sorting/radix_sort.md
- 11.11 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_sorting/summary.md
- 第 12 章 &nbsp; 分治:
# [icon: material/set-split]
- chapter_divide_and_conquer/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 12.1 &nbsp; 分治算法: chapter_divide_and_conquer/divide_and_conquer.md
- 12.2 &nbsp; 分治搜索策略: chapter_divide_and_conquer/binary_search_recur.md
- 12.3 &nbsp; 构建树问题: chapter_divide_and_conquer/build_binary_tree_problem.md
- 12.4 &nbsp; 汉诺塔问题: chapter_divide_and_conquer/hanota_problem.md
- 12.5 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_divide_and_conquer/summary.md
- 第 13 章 &nbsp; 回溯:
# [icon: material/map-marker-path]
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
- chapter_backtracking/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 13.1 &nbsp; 回溯算法: chapter_backtracking/backtracking_algorithm.md
- 13.2 &nbsp; 全排列问题: chapter_backtracking/permutations_problem.md
- 13.3 &nbsp; 子集和问题: chapter_backtracking/subset_sum_problem.md
- 13.4 &nbsp; N 皇后问题: chapter_backtracking/n_queens_problem.md
- 13.5 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_backtracking/summary.md
- 第 14 章 &nbsp; 动态规划:
# [icon: material/table-pivot]
- chapter_dynamic_programming/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 14.1 &nbsp; 初探动态规划: chapter_dynamic_programming/intro_to_dynamic_programming.md
- 14.2 &nbsp; DP 问题特性: chapter_dynamic_programming/dp_problem_features.md
- 14.3 &nbsp; DP 解题思路: chapter_dynamic_programming/dp_solution_pipeline.md
- 14.4 &nbsp; 0-1 背包问题: chapter_dynamic_programming/knapsack_problem.md
- 14.5 &nbsp; 完全背包问题: chapter_dynamic_programming/unbounded_knapsack_problem.md
- 14.6 &nbsp; 编辑距离问题: chapter_dynamic_programming/edit_distance_problem.md
- 14.7 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_dynamic_programming/summary.md
- 第 15 章 &nbsp; 贪心:
# [icon: material/head-heart-outline]
- chapter_greedy/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 15.1 &nbsp; 贪心算法: chapter_greedy/greedy_algorithm.md
- 15.2 &nbsp; 分数背包问题: chapter_greedy/fractional_knapsack_problem.md
- 15.3 &nbsp; 最大容量问题: chapter_greedy/max_capacity_problem.md
- 15.4 &nbsp; 最大切分乘积问题: chapter_greedy/max_product_cutting_problem.md
- 15.5 &nbsp; 小结: chapter_greedy/summary.md
- 第 16 章 &nbsp; 附录:
# [icon: material/help-circle-outline]
- chapter_appendix/index.md
2023-08-20 13:37:49 +08:00
- 16.1 &nbsp; 编程环境安装: chapter_appendix/installation.md
- 16.2 &nbsp; 一起参与创作: chapter_appendix/contribution.md
# [status: new]
2023-10-30 05:30:49 +08:00
- 16.3 &nbsp; 术语表: chapter_appendix/terminology.md
2022-11-17 02:48:17 +08:00
- 参考文献:
2022-11-22 04:17:46 +08:00
- chapter_reference/index.md