/** * File: PrintUtil.hpp * Created Time: 2021-12-19 * Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com), msk397 (machangxinq@gmail.com), LoneRanger(836253168@qq.com) */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "ListNode.hpp" #include "TreeNode.hpp" /** * @brief Expose the underlying storage of the priority_queue container * * @tparam T * @tparam S * @tparam C * @param pq * @return S */ template S &Container(priority_queue &pq) { struct HackedQueue : private priority_queue { static S &Container(priority_queue &pq) { return pq.*&HackedQueue::c; } }; return HackedQueue::Container(pq); } class PrintUtil { public: /** * @brief Find an element in a vector * * @tparam T * @param vec * @param ele * @return int */ template static int vecFind(const vector& vec, T ele) { int j = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { if (vec[i] == ele) { j = i; } } return j; } /** * @brief Concatenate a vector with a delim * * @tparam T * @param delim * @param vec * @return string */ template static string strJoin(const string& delim, const T& vec) { ostringstream s; for (const auto& i : vec) { if (&i != &vec[0]) { s << delim; } s << i; } return s.str(); } /** * @brief Repeat a string for n times * * @param str * @param n * @return string */ static string strRepeat(string str, int n) { ostringstream os; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) os << str; return os.str(); } /** * @brief Print an Array * * @tparam T * @tparam n */ template static void printArray(T* arr, int n) { cout << "["; for (size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { cout << arr[i] << ", "; } cout << arr[n - 1] << "]" << '\n'; } /** * @brief Get the Vector String object * * @tparam T * @param list * @return string */ template static string getVectorString(vector &list) { return "[" + strJoin(", ", list) + "]"; } /** * @brief Print a vector * * @tparam T * @param list */ template static void printVector(vector list) { cout << getVectorString(list) << '\n'; } /** * @brief Print a vector matrix * * @tparam T * @param matrix */ template static void printVectorMatrix(vector> &matrix) { cout << "[" << '\n'; for (vector &list : matrix) cout << " " + getVectorString(list) + "," << '\n'; cout << "]" << '\n'; } /** * @brief Print a linked list * * @param head */ static void printLinkedList(ListNode *head) { vector list; while (head != nullptr) { list.push_back(head->val); head = head->next; } cout << strJoin(" -> ", list) << '\n'; } /** * @brief This tree printer is borrowed from TECHIE DELIGHT * https://www.techiedelight.com/c-program-print-binary-tree/ */ struct Trunk { Trunk *prev; string str; Trunk(Trunk *prev, string str) { this->prev = prev; this->str = str; } }; /** * @brief Helper function to print branches of the binary tree * * @param p */ static void showTrunks(Trunk *p) { if (p == nullptr) { return; } showTrunks(p->prev); cout << p->str; } /** * @brief The interface of the tree printer * * @param root */ static void printTree(TreeNode *root) { printTree(root, nullptr, false); } /** * @brief Print a binary tree * * @param root * @param prev * @param isLeft */ static void printTree(TreeNode *root, Trunk *prev, bool isLeft) { if (root == nullptr) { return; } string prev_str = " "; Trunk *trunk = new Trunk(prev, prev_str); printTree(root->right, trunk, true); if (!prev) { trunk->str = "———"; } else if (isLeft) { trunk->str = "/———"; prev_str = " |"; } else { trunk->str = "\\———"; prev->str = prev_str; } showTrunks(trunk); cout << " " << root->val << endl; if (prev) { prev->str = prev_str; } trunk->str = " |"; printTree(root->left, trunk, false); } /** * @brief Print a stack * * @tparam T * @param stk */ template static void printStack(stack stk) { // Reverse the input stack stack tmp; while(!stk.empty()) { tmp.push(stk.top()); stk.pop(); } // Generate the string to print ostringstream s; bool flag = true; while(!tmp.empty()) { if (flag) { s << tmp.top(); flag = false; } else s << ", " << tmp.top(); tmp.pop(); } cout << "[" + s.str() + "]" << '\n'; } /** * @brief * * @tparam T * @param queue */ template static void printQueue(queue queue) { // Generate the string to print ostringstream s; bool flag = true; while(!queue.empty()) { if (flag) { s << queue.front(); flag = false; } else s << ", " << queue.front(); queue.pop(); } cout << "[" + s.str() + "]" << '\n'; } template static void printDeque(deque deque) { // Generate the string to print ostringstream s; bool flag = true; while(!deque.empty()) { if (flag) { s << deque.front(); flag = false; } else s << ", " << deque.front(); deque.pop_front(); } cout << "[" + s.str() + "]" << '\n'; } /** * @brief Print a HashMap * * @tparam TKey * @tparam TValue * @param map */ // 定义模板参数 TKey 和 TValue,用于指定键值对的类型 template static void printHashMap(unordered_map map) { for (auto kv : map) { cout << kv.first << " -> " << kv.second << '\n'; } } /** * @brief Print a Heap (PriorityQueue) * * @tparam T * @tparam S * @tparam C * @param heap */ template static void printHeap(priority_queue &heap) { vector vec = Container(heap); cout << "堆的数组表示:"; printVector(vec); cout << "堆的树状表示:" << endl; TreeNode *root = vecToTree(vec); printTree(root); } };