// File: PrintUtil.zig // Created Time: 2023-01-07 // Author: sjinzh (sjinzh@gmail.com) const std = @import("std"); const ListNode = @import("ListNode.zig").ListNode; const TreeNode = @import("TreeNode.zig").TreeNode; // Print an array pub fn printArray(comptime T: type, nums: []T) void { std.debug.print("[", .{}); if (nums.len > 0) { for (nums) |num, j| { std.debug.print("{}{s}", .{num, if (j == nums.len-1) "]\n" else ", " }); } } else { std.debug.print("]", .{}); std.debug.print("\n", .{}); } } // This tree printer is borrowed from TECHIE DELIGHT // https://www.techiedelight.com/c-program-print-binary-tree/ const Trunk = struct { prev: ?*Trunk = null, str: []const u8 = undefined, pub fn init(self: *Trunk, prev: ?*Trunk, str: []const u8) void { self.prev = prev; self.str = str; } }; // Helper function to print branches of the binary tree pub fn showTrunks(p: ?*Trunk) void { if (p == null) return; showTrunks(p.?.prev); std.debug.print("{s}", .{p.?.str}); } // The interface of the tree printer // Print a binary tree pub fn printTree(root: ?*TreeNode(i32), prev: ?*Trunk, isLeft: bool) !void { if (root == null) { return; } var prev_str = " "; var trunk = Trunk{.prev = prev, .str = prev_str}; try printTree(root.?.right, &trunk, true); if (prev == null) { trunk.str = "———"; } else if (isLeft) { trunk.str = "/———"; prev_str = " |"; } else { trunk.str = "\\———"; prev.?.str = prev_str; } showTrunks(&trunk); std.debug.print(" {}\n", .{root.?.val}); if (prev) |_| { prev.?.str = prev_str; } trunk.str = " |"; try printTree(root.?.left, &trunk, false); }