gonglja 86209e0a7b
feat: Add C codes for bucket sort, heap sort, selection sort, binary search edge (#525)
* fix(codes/cpp): Memory leak fix: the space was not freed when pop removed the element.

* fix(codes/cpp): Fix access error when printArray(arr, 0)

* Update PrintUtil.hpp

* fix(codes/c): Fix some errors of cmake build

* feat(codes/c): Add hashing_search.c

* styles(codes/c): Modify function description

* styles(codes/c): Modify binary_search.c code style

* fix(codes/c): Fix the problem in binary_tree_bfs.c and the problem that the memory is not released.

* feat: Add preorder_traversal_i_compact.c

* feat(codes/c): Add head_sort.c

* feat(codes/c): Add bucket_sort.c

* feat(codes/c): Add binary_search_edge.c

* fix(codes/c): Add programs that are not managed by cmake (c code)

* feat(codes/c): Add selection_sort.c

* style(codes/c): Change swap in selection_sort.c to `selectionSort`

* styles(codes/c): Change style.

* fix(codes/c): Fix some formatting errors and temporarily remove backtracking chapters


Co-authored-by: Yudong Jin <krahets@163.com>
2023-06-02 02:51:35 +08:00
2023-04-16 05:11:04 +08:00
2023-05-07 00:19:39 +08:00
2023-01-30 20:49:12 +08:00
2023-03-09 01:39:31 +08:00
2023-03-31 00:38:33 +08:00
2022-11-17 15:32:50 +08:00
2023-06-02 01:36:51 +08:00
2023-05-10 19:47:30 +08:00

《 Hello 算法 》


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  • 全书采用动画图解,内容清晰易懂、学习曲线平滑,引导初学者探索数据结构与算法的“知识地图”;
  • 源代码可一键运行,帮助读者在实践练习中提升编程技能,了解算法工作原理和数据结构底层实现;
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—— 邓俊辉,清华大学计算机系教授

“如果我当年学数据结构与算法的时候有《Hello 算法》,学起来应该会简单 10 倍!”

—— 李沐,亚马逊资深首席科学家


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  • 期待您参与 C++, Python, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C#, Swift, Zig, Rust, Dart 等语言的代码翻译
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