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# Project information
site_name: Hello 算法
site_url: https://www.hello-algo.com/
site_author: krahets
site_description: 动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程
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# Repository
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version: 1.0.0
# Copyright
copyright: Copyright © 2022-2024 krahets<br>The website content is licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a>
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# Page tree
- 序:
- chapter_hello_algo/index.md
- 第 0 章 前言:
# [icon: material/book-open-outline]
- chapter_preface/index.md
- 0.1 关于本书: chapter_preface/about_the_book.md
- 0.2 如何使用本书: chapter_preface/suggestions.md
- 0.3 小结: chapter_preface/summary.md
- 第 1 章 初识算法:
# [icon: material/calculator-variant-outline]
- chapter_introduction/index.md
- 1.1 算法无处不在: chapter_introduction/algorithms_are_everywhere.md
- 1.2 算法是什么: chapter_introduction/what_is_dsa.md
- 1.3 小结: chapter_introduction/summary.md
- 第 2 章 复杂度分析:
# [icon: material/timer-sand]
- chapter_computational_complexity/index.md
- 2.1 算法效率评估: chapter_computational_complexity/performance_evaluation.md
- 2.2 迭代与递归: chapter_computational_complexity/iteration_and_recursion.md
- 2.3 时间复杂度: chapter_computational_complexity/time_complexity.md
- 2.4 空间复杂度: chapter_computational_complexity/space_complexity.md
- 2.5 小结: chapter_computational_complexity/summary.md
- 第 3 章 数据结构:
# [icon: material/shape-outline]
- chapter_data_structure/index.md
- 3.1 数据结构分类: chapter_data_structure/classification_of_data_structure.md
- 3.2 基本数据类型: chapter_data_structure/basic_data_types.md
- 3.3 数字编码 *: chapter_data_structure/number_encoding.md
- 3.4 字符编码 *: chapter_data_structure/character_encoding.md
- 3.5 小结: chapter_data_structure/summary.md
- 第 4 章 数组与链表:
# [icon: material/view-list-outline]
- chapter_array_and_linkedlist/index.md
- 4.1 数组: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/array.md
- 4.2 链表: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/linked_list.md
- 4.3 列表: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/list.md
# [status: new]
- 4.4 内存与缓存 *: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/ram_and_cache.md
- 4.5 小结: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/summary.md
- 第 5 章 栈与队列:
# [icon: material/stack-overflow]
- chapter_stack_and_queue/index.md
- 5.1 栈: chapter_stack_and_queue/stack.md
- 5.2 队列: chapter_stack_and_queue/queue.md
- 5.3 双向队列: chapter_stack_and_queue/deque.md
- 5.4 小结: chapter_stack_and_queue/summary.md
- 第 6 章 哈希表:
# [icon: material/table-search]
- chapter_hashing/index.md
- 6.1 哈希表: chapter_hashing/hash_map.md
- 6.2 哈希冲突: chapter_hashing/hash_collision.md
- 6.3 哈希算法: chapter_hashing/hash_algorithm.md
- 6.4 小结: chapter_hashing/summary.md
- 第 7 章 树:
# [icon: material/graph-outline]
- chapter_tree/index.md
- 7.1 二叉树: chapter_tree/binary_tree.md
- 7.2 二叉树遍历: chapter_tree/binary_tree_traversal.md
- 7.3 二叉树数组表示: chapter_tree/array_representation_of_tree.md
- 7.4 二叉搜索树: chapter_tree/binary_search_tree.md
- 7.5 AVL 树 *: chapter_tree/avl_tree.md
- 7.6 小结: chapter_tree/summary.md
- 第 8 章 堆:
# [icon: material/family-tree]
- chapter_heap/index.md
- 8.1 堆: chapter_heap/heap.md
- 8.2 建堆操作: chapter_heap/build_heap.md
- 8.3 Top-k 问题: chapter_heap/top_k.md
- 8.4 小结: chapter_heap/summary.md
- 第 9 章 图:
# [icon: material/graphql]
- chapter_graph/index.md
- 9.1 图: chapter_graph/graph.md
- 9.2 图基础操作: chapter_graph/graph_operations.md
- 9.3 图的遍历: chapter_graph/graph_traversal.md
- 9.4 小结: chapter_graph/summary.md
- 第 10 章 搜索:
# [icon: material/text-search]
- chapter_searching/index.md
- 10.1 二分查找: chapter_searching/binary_search.md
- 10.2 二分查找插入点: chapter_searching/binary_search_insertion.md
- 10.3 二分查找边界: chapter_searching/binary_search_edge.md
- 10.4 哈希优化策略: chapter_searching/replace_linear_by_hashing.md
- 10.5 重识搜索算法: chapter_searching/searching_algorithm_revisited.md
- 10.6 小结: chapter_searching/summary.md
- 第 11 章 排序:
# [icon: material/sort-ascending]
- chapter_sorting/index.md
- 11.1 排序算法: chapter_sorting/sorting_algorithm.md
- 11.2 选择排序: chapter_sorting/selection_sort.md
- 11.3 冒泡排序: chapter_sorting/bubble_sort.md
- 11.4 插入排序: chapter_sorting/insertion_sort.md
- 11.5 快速排序: chapter_sorting/quick_sort.md
- 11.6 归并排序: chapter_sorting/merge_sort.md
- 11.7 堆排序: chapter_sorting/heap_sort.md
- 11.8 桶排序: chapter_sorting/bucket_sort.md
- 11.9 计数排序: chapter_sorting/counting_sort.md
- 11.10 基数排序: chapter_sorting/radix_sort.md
- 11.11 小结: chapter_sorting/summary.md
- 第 12 章 分治:
# [icon: material/set-split]
- chapter_divide_and_conquer/index.md
- 12.1 分治算法: chapter_divide_and_conquer/divide_and_conquer.md
- 12.2 分治搜索策略: chapter_divide_and_conquer/binary_search_recur.md
- 12.3 构建树问题: chapter_divide_and_conquer/build_binary_tree_problem.md
- 12.4 汉诺塔问题: chapter_divide_and_conquer/hanota_problem.md
- 12.5 小结: chapter_divide_and_conquer/summary.md
- 第 13 章 回溯:
# [icon: material/map-marker-path]
- chapter_backtracking/index.md
- 13.1 回溯算法: chapter_backtracking/backtracking_algorithm.md
- 13.2 全排列问题: chapter_backtracking/permutations_problem.md
- 13.3 子集和问题: chapter_backtracking/subset_sum_problem.md
- 13.4 N 皇后问题: chapter_backtracking/n_queens_problem.md
- 13.5 小结: chapter_backtracking/summary.md
- 第 14 章 动态规划:
# [icon: material/table-pivot]
- chapter_dynamic_programming/index.md
- 14.1 初探动态规划: chapter_dynamic_programming/intro_to_dynamic_programming.md
- 14.2 DP 问题特性: chapter_dynamic_programming/dp_problem_features.md
- 14.3 DP 解题思路: chapter_dynamic_programming/dp_solution_pipeline.md
- 14.4 0-1 背包问题: chapter_dynamic_programming/knapsack_problem.md
- 14.5 完全背包问题: chapter_dynamic_programming/unbounded_knapsack_problem.md
- 14.6 编辑距离问题: chapter_dynamic_programming/edit_distance_problem.md
- 14.7 小结: chapter_dynamic_programming/summary.md
- 第 15 章 贪心:
# [icon: material/head-heart-outline]
- chapter_greedy/index.md
- 15.1 贪心算法: chapter_greedy/greedy_algorithm.md
- 15.2 分数背包问题: chapter_greedy/fractional_knapsack_problem.md
- 15.3 最大容量问题: chapter_greedy/max_capacity_problem.md
- 15.4 最大切分乘积问题: chapter_greedy/max_product_cutting_problem.md
- 15.5 小结: chapter_greedy/summary.md
- 第 16 章 附录:
# [icon: material/help-circle-outline]
- chapter_appendix/index.md
- 16.1 编程环境安装: chapter_appendix/installation.md
- 16.2 一起参与创作: chapter_appendix/contribution.md
- 16.3 术语表: chapter_appendix/terminology.md
- 参考文献:
- chapter_reference/index.md
- 纸质书:
- chapter_paperbook/index.md