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# Project information
site_name: Hello 算法
site_url: https://www.hello-algo.com/
site_author: Krahets
site_description: 一本动画图解、能运行、可提问的数据结构与算法入门书
# Repository
repo_name: krahets/hello-algo
repo_url: https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo
edit_uri: https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo/tree/master/docs/
# Copyright
copyright: Copyright © 2022 Krahets
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# Page tree
- 写在前面:
- 关于本书: chapter_preface/about_the_book.md
- 如何使用本书: chapter_preface/suggestions.md
- 编程环境安装: chapter_preface/installation.md
- 一起参与创作: chapter_preface/contribution.md
- 引言:
- 算法无处不在: chapter_introduction/algorithms_are_everywhere.md
- 算法是什么: chapter_introduction/what_is_dsa.md
- 计算复杂度:
- 算法效率评估: chapter_computational_complexity/performance_evaluation.md
- 时间复杂度: chapter_computational_complexity/time_complexity.md
- 空间复杂度: chapter_computational_complexity/space_complexity.md
- 权衡时间与空间: chapter_computational_complexity/space_time_tradeoff.md
- 小结: chapter_computational_complexity/summary.md
- 数据结构简介:
- 数据与内存: chapter_data_structure/data_and_memory.md
- 数据结构分类: chapter_data_structure/classification_of_data_strcuture.md
- 小结: chapter_data_structure/summary.md
- 数组与链表:
- 数组Array: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/array.md
- 链表LinkedList: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/linked_list.md
- 列表List: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/list.md
- 小结: chapter_array_and_linkedlist/summary.md
- 栈与队列:
- Stack: chapter_stack_and_queue/stack.md
- 队列Queue: chapter_stack_and_queue/queue.md
- 双向队列Deque: chapter_stack_and_queue/deque.md
- 小结: chapter_stack_and_queue/summary.md
- 散列表:
- 哈希表HashMap: chapter_hashing/hash_map.md
- 哈希冲突处理: chapter_hashing/hash_collision.md
- 小结: chapter_hashing/summary.md
- 二叉树:
- 二叉树Binary Tree: chapter_tree/binary_tree.md
- 二叉树常见类型: chapter_tree/binary_tree_types.md
- 二叉搜索树: chapter_tree/binary_search_tree.md
- AVL 树 *: chapter_tree/avl_tree.md
- 小结: chapter_tree/summary.md
- 查找算法:
- 线性查找: chapter_searching/linear_search.md
- 二分查找: chapter_searching/binary_search.md
- 哈希查找: chapter_searching/hashing_search.md
- 小结: chapter_searching/summary.md
- 排序算法:
- 排序简介: chapter_sorting/intro_to_sort.md
- 冒泡排序: chapter_sorting/bubble_sort.md
- 插入排序: chapter_sorting/insertion_sort.md
- 快速排序: chapter_sorting/quick_sort.md
- 归并排序: chapter_sorting/merge_sort.md
- 小结: chapter_sorting/summary.md
- 参考文献:
- chapter_reference/index.md