* zig : update zig codes * rust : add codes for linear_search and hashing_search * rust : add codes for linear_search and hashing_search * rust : add codes for chapter_dynamic_programming
54 lines
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54 lines
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// File: linear_search.zig
// Created Time: 2023-01-13
// Author: sjinzh (sjinzh@gmail.com)
const std = @import("std");
const inc = @import("include");
// 线性查找(数组)
fn linearSearchArray(comptime T: type, nums: std.ArrayList(T), target: T) T {
// 遍历数组
for (nums.items, 0..) |num, i| {
// 找到目标元素, 返回其索引
if (num == target) {
return @intCast(i);
// 未找到目标元素,返回 -1
return -1;
// 线性查找(链表)
pub fn linearSearchLinkedList(comptime T: type, node: ?*inc.ListNode(T), target: T) ?*inc.ListNode(T) {
var head = node;
// 遍历链表
while (head != null) {
// 找到目标节点,返回之
if (head.?.val == target) return head;
head = head.?.next;
return null;
// Driver Code
pub fn main() !void {
var target: i32 = 3;
// 在数组中执行线性查找
var nums = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer nums.deinit();
try nums.appendSlice(&[_]i32{ 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 7, 5, 9, 10, 8 });
var index = linearSearchArray(i32, nums, target);
std.debug.print("目标元素 3 的索引 = {}\n", .{index});
// 在链表中执行线性查找
var mem_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer mem_arena.deinit();
const mem_allocator = mem_arena.allocator();
var head = try inc.ListUtil.listToLinkedList(i32, mem_allocator, nums);
var node = linearSearchLinkedList(i32, head, target);
std.debug.print("目标节点值 3 的对应节点对象为 ", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printLinkedList(i32, node);
_ = try std.io.getStdIn().reader().readByte();
} |