Fixed duplicate dark languages (kept the older one)
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Contributing
When adding new "Hello World" programs, please name the file according to the language it was written in, don't abbreviate the language name too much (so use "JavaScript", not "JS") but don't make it TOO long (so use "CSS" not "Cascading Style Sheets". Use hyphens ("-") as word seperators, and only use a single dot (for seperating the filename from the extension). For exmaple, a "Hello World" program in Objective C should be named "Objective-C.m, and the one in HTML should be named HTML.html.
cat >; echo >>; echo "### This repository currently contains "Hello World" programs in the following languages:" >>; ruby list_langs.rb >>
for updating the list of languages in `` (make sure you are in the repository's root directory when invoking those commands).
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
For Hackotoberfest 2k16 PR :P
For Hackotoberfest 2k16 PR :P
For Hackotoberfest 2k16 PR :P
For Hackotoberfest 2k16 PR :P
@ -8,448 +8,519 @@ Inspired by [](
As I watch the collection expand, this project has blown up more than I ever thought possible.
Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute, new languages are created every day!
Make sure to see for instructions on contributing to the project!
Spin-Off project smartly suggested and implemented by @zenware
Meet [FizzBuzz]( the evolution of [hello-world](
### This repository currently contains Hello World programs in the following languages:
* 0815
* 1c Enterprise
* 2b
* 360 Assembly
* 4gl
* 4test
* 4thdimension
* 6502 Assembly
* Config
* Description
* Head
* Hooks
* Index
* Info
* Logs
* Objects
* Packed Refs
* Refs
* Abap
* Abc
* Acidic
* Acpi
* Acronym
* Acs
* Actionscript
* Actionscript2
* Actionscript3
* Actionscript Flashmx
* Ada
* Advpl
* Aeolbonn
* Aeolbonn
* Agda
* Aheui
* Aime
* Alaguf
* Alda
* Algae
* Algol W
* Algol60
* Algol68
* Alore
* Amiga E
* Amos
* Android
* Angelscript
* Angular
* Ante
* Apc
* Apl
* Applescript
* Arduino
* Arena
* Argh
* Arnoldc
* Ash
* Asp
* Assembler 6502appleii
* Assembler 6502c64
* Assembler 6809vectrex
* Assembler Atari2600
* Assembler Fasm Dos
### This repository currently contains "Hello World" programs in the following languages:
* Assembler Intel
* Assembler Lc 3
* Assembler M68000 Amigaos
* Assembler Masm Dos
* Assembler Mips
* Amos
* Assembler 6502appleii
* Assembler Nasm Freebsd
* Actionscript2
* Assembler Z80 Ti83calculator
* Aiml
* Assembler Mips
* Acronym
* Amiga E
* Algol68
* Ante
* Aime
* Apl
* Apc
* Assembler Masm Dos
* Assembler Tms9900 Ti99 4a
* Ash
* Aheui
* Assembler Fasm Dos
* Abap
* Alda
* Acs
* Awk
* Autoit
* Actionscript3
* Acpi
* Assembler Z80 Knightos
* Assembler Lc 3
* Algol60
* Acidic
* Android
* Actionscript
* Assembler Vax Ultrix
* Arena
* Assembler Nasm Linux
* Assembler Nasm Linux64
* Assembler Tms9900 Ti99 4a
* Assembler Z80 Knightos
* Actionscript Flashmx
* Alaguf
* Assembler Masm Win64
* Algol W
* Assembler M68000 Amigaos
* Abc
* Assembler 6502
* Arduino
* Angular
* Asp
* Alore
* Arnoldc
* Advpl
* Aeolbonn
* Angelscript
* Assembler 6502c64
* Assembler Z80 Zxspectrum
* Assembler Atari2600
* Assembler Masm Win32
* Assembler Dcpu16
* Antlang
* Assembler Mmix
* Assembler Tasm Dos
* Algae
* Autohotkey
* Autoit
* Awk
* B
* Bash
* Basic
* Batch
* Bcpl
* Beatnik
* Befunge
* Bennugd
* Bit
* Bitbitjump
* Blitz3d
* Blub
* Boo
* Brainf*ck 2d
* Brainf Ck
* Brainloller
* Broccoli
* Brzrk
* Burlesque
* Byter
* C++
* C
* Caml
* Cardinal
* Casio Basic
* Cat
* Centura
* Cgi
* Chef
* Chicken
* Cil
* Clean
* Clipper
* Clipper
* Clips
* Clisp
* Clojure
* Cobol
* Coffeescript
* Coldfusion
* Continuesequation
* Cool
* Csh
* Csharp
* Css
* Cypherneo4j
* D
* Dark
* Dart
* Db2
* Dc
* Dcl
* Dcpu16
* Dd Dd
* Delphi
* Delphi
* Dis
* Divzeros
* Dna#
* Dna Sharp
* Dogescript
* Dogo
* Dos
* Drive In Window
* Dtrace
* Dup
* Dylan
* Dyvil
* Helloworld
* Ebuild
* Eiffel
* Elixir
* Elixir
* Emacslisp
* Emmental
* Emoticon
* Eoool
* Erlang Hw
* ~english
* Factor
* Falcon
* False
* Fantom
* Ferite
* Fish
* Fjoelnir
* Fob
* Focal
* Fog
* Foo
* Forobj
* Forth
* Fortob
* Fortran
* Fortran77
* Fourier
* Fsharp
* Gammaplex
* Gasoil
* Gecho
* Gentzen
* Geojson
* Gibberish
* Glass
* Go
* Golfscript
* Golo
* Googleappscript
* Gri
* Gridscript
* Grin
* Groovy
* Hack
* Haskell
* Haxe
* Hex
* Hexish
* Higher Subleq
* Hollow
* Homespring
* Hop
* Hq9+
* Html
* Hy
* Hypertalk
* Ibm1401
* Icedcoffeescript
* Ici
* Icon
* Idl
* Idris
* Il
* Incal
* Indec
* Ink
* Intercal
* Io
* Ioke
* Irc
* Iscom
* Islisp
* J
* Jade
* Jasmin
* Jason
* Java
* Javascript
* Jess
* Json
* Jsx
* Julia
* K
* Karel
* Kiml
* Kipple
* Kotlin
* Kotlin
* Ksh
* Labyrinth
* Latex
* Lazyk
* Leszek
* Limbo
* Linux X86
* Lisp
* Livescript
* Llvm
* Lnusp
* Logical
* Logo
* Lola
* Lolcode
* Lsl
* Lua
* M4
* Macsyma
* Malbolge
* Markdown
* Matlab
* Mel
* Meq
* Mercury
* Mirc
* Mmix
* Mmmm()
* Modula 2
* Modula 3
* Mongo
* Moonscript
* Morsecode
* Mouse
* Move
* Mozart
* Muf
* Mumps
* Mushcode
* Mysql
* Nemerle
* Newtonscript
* Nice
* Nimrod
* Node
* Novice
* Nu
* Nxc
* Oberon 2
* Oberon
* Obix
* Objc
* Objective J
* Agda
* Ada
* Assembler 8048 Videopac
* Assembler 6809vectrex
* Applescript
* Argh
* Assembler Ibm360
* Aeolbonn
* Objectstar
* Ocaml
* Octave
* Omgrofl
* Ooc
* Ook
* Opa
* Oberon 2
* Objc
* Obix
* Openlaszlo
* Oraclesql
* Oz
* Opa
* Objective J
* Ooc
* Obj
* Octave
* Orc
* Parenthetic
* Pascal
* Pawn
* Pb
* Pbwin
* Perl
* Perl6
* Perseus
* Php
* Picat
* Piet
* Pig
* Pike
* Pit
* Pizza
* Please Porige Hot
* Plsql
* Pluvo
* Polynomial
* Pony
* Postgresql
* Postscript
* Postscript Page
* Potigol
* Powershell
* Prolog
* Purebasic
* Purescript
* Python
* Python3
* Qore
* Omgrofl
* Oraclesql
* Oberon
* Jsoniq
* Java
* Julia
* Jai
* Json
* Jsx
* Jsf*ck
* Jess
* Javascript
* Jade
* Jason
* Jasmin
* J
* Ebuild
* Elixir
* Eiffel
* Eoool
* Elixir
* Hello Html
* Emmental
* Emacslisp
* Emoticon
* Erlang Hw
* Emojicode
* 4test
* 1c Enterprise
* 4gl
* 4thdimension
* 2b
* 0815
* ~english
* Ratfor
* Rexx
* Rebol
* Roco
* Reason
* R
* Roy
* React
* Radixal
* Racket
* Rust
* Ruby
* Recurse
* Richtea
* Readlink
* Restructuredtext
* Verbose
* V
* Visualbasicscript
* Vrml
* Vms
* Visualbasic
* Vala
* Vi
* Verilog
* Vimscript
* Virgil
* Verbosefuck
* Vhdl
* Vbnet
* Verve
* Visualfoxpro
* Sil
* Smil
* Supercollider
* Swift
* Schwift
* Sql
* Snowman
* Spoon
* Sendstuff
* Scilab
* Sal
* S Algol
* Stanza
* Simpl+
* Scala
* Self
* Subleq
* Sparql
* Stuck
* Scheme
* Sed
* Sml
* Soupscript
* Svg
* Shell
* Semicolon
* Scratch
* Sacred
* Streem
* Slashes
* Simula
* Shakespeare
* Smalltalk
* Squirrel
* Shen
* Hello
* Systemtap
* Smali
* Sas
* Standard Ml
* Sather
* Clipper
* Clean
* Crystal
* Continuesequation
* Cobol
* Clisp
* Cor
* Csharp
* Chicken
* Coldfusion
* Csh
* Clojure
* Coconut
* Cool
* C
* Centura
* Common Lisp
* Chapel
* Cil
* Css
* Ceylon
* Cat
* Clips
* Cypherneo4j
* Coffeescript
* Cgi
* Caml
* Casio Basic
* Clipper
* C++
* Chef
* Cardinal
* Hello World
* Turing
* Tk
* Tao Presentations
* Tcsh
* Tapebagel
* Images
* Turing
* Thp
* Tri
* Telephone
* Trumpscript
* Thue
* Trollscript
* Typescript
* Ttcn3
* Tsql
* Tex
* Tibasic
* Tcl
* Plain Text
* Logs
* Hooks
* Refs
* Fetch Head
* Orig Head
* Description
* Packed Refs
* Index
* Head
* Info
* Commit Editmsg
* Branches
* Config
* Objects
* Io
* Incal
* Icon
* Il
* Islisp
* Ibm1401
* Idl
* Ici
* Irc
* Iscom
* Icedcoffeescript
* Ioke
* Ink
* Indec
* Inform
* Idris
* Intercal
* Qwerty
* Quartzcomposer
* Qu
* Quakec
* Qugord
* Qwerty
* R
* Racket
* Radixal
* Ratfor
* React
* Readlink
* Rebol
* Recurse
* Restructuredtext
* Rexx
* Richtea
* Roco
* Roy
* Ruby
* Rust
* Sal
* Sas
* Sather
* Scala
* Scheme
* Scilab
* Scratch
* Semicolon
* Sendstuff
* Shakespeare
* Shell
* Simula
* Slashes
* Smali
* Smalltalk
* Smil
* Sml
* Snowman
* Soupscript
* Spoon
* Sql
* Squirrel
* Standard Ml
* Stuck
* Subleq
* Supercollider
* Svg
* Swift
* Images
* Plain Text
* Tao Presentations
* Tapebagel
* Tcl
* Tcsh
* Telephone
* Tex
* Thp
* Thue
* Tibasic
* Tk
* Tri
* Trollscript
* Trumpscript
* Tsql
* Ttcn3
* Turing
* Turing
* Ubercode
* Ubiquity
* Umajin
* Unicomal
* Unlambda
* Vala
* Vbnet
* Verbose
* Verilog
* Vhdl
* Vi
* Vimscript
* Virgil
* Visualbasic
* Visualbasicscript
* Vms
* Vrml
* Qbasic
* Qore
* Wml
* Wheat
* Whitespace
* Wsh
* Whenever
* Whirl
* Whitespace
* Wml
* Wolframlanguage
* Wren
* Wsh
* Lolcode
* X D
* Xbase++
* Xbase
* Wolframlanguage
* Higher Subleq
* Hypertalk
* Haskell
* Hop
* Homespring
* Haxe
* Hodor
* Hex
* Hq9+
* Hollow
* Hy
* Hexish
* Hack
* Html
* Xl
* Xlogo
* Xml
* Xpl0
* Xquery
* Xrf
* Xslt
* Xul
* Y
* Yaml
* Yolang
* Z80stealth Ti83calculator
* Zepto
* Zetaplex
* Zim
* Xrf
* Xlogo
* Xbase++
* X D
* Xbase
* Xml
* Xslt
* Xpl0
* Kiml
* Kotlin
* Ksh
* Kotlin
* Kipple
* Karel
* K
* Perl
* Polynomial
* Plsql
* Picat
* Postgresql
* Hello World
* Parenthetic
* Please Porige Hot
* Perl6
* Postscript Page
* Pharo
* Python3
* Pig
* Potigol
* Purescript
* Purebasic
* Pbwin
* Perseus
* Powershell
* Posxml
* Postscript
* Pony
* Pizza
* Python
* Perl
* Processing
* Pawn
* Piet
* Prolog
* Pb
* Pascal
* Pit
* Php
* Pike
* Pyret
* Pluvo
* Node
* Nu
* Nice
* Nxc
* Neko
* Nemerle
* Novice
* Nimrod
* Newtonscript
* Nodejs
* Nit
* Dtrace
* Dna Sharp
* Dart
* Dis
* Dc
* Dcl
* Dylan
* D
* Dogescript
* Dogo
* Dd Dd
* Dup
* Dos
* Dna#
* Dyvil
* Delphi
* Db2
* Divzeros
* Delphi
* Dark
* Drive In Window
* Ubercode
* Ubiquity
* Unicomal
* Umajin
* Unlambda
* Lolpython
* Llvm
* Lolcode
* Lola
* Linux X86
* Logical
* Labyrinth
* Lazyk
* Lisaac
* Lsl
* Livescript
* Leszek
* Latex
* Lisp
* Lua
* Logo
* Limbo
* Lnusp
* Blc
* Beta
* Beatnik
* Burlesque
* Boo
* Bitbitjump
* Brainf Ck
* B
* Brainloller
* Bennugd
* Bash
* Batsh
* Basic
* Bcpl
* Bit
* Battlestar
* Brzrk
* Befunge
* Blitz3d
* Brainf Ck 2d
* Blub
* Byter
* Batch
* Broccoli
* Zimbu
* Zombie
* Zonnon
* Zsh
* Zim
* Zonnon
* Zbd
* Zepto
* Zetaplex
* Yolang
* Y
* Yaml
* M4
* Mercury
* Matlab
* Moonscript
* Modula 3
* Modula 2
* Mathematica Online
* Move
* Morsecode
* Maxscript
* Meq
* Mumps
* Mouse
* Macsyma
* Mel
* Mozart
* Mongo
* Malbolge
* Mysql
* Mushcode
* Muf
* Mirc
* Mmmm()
* Magic
* Markdown
* Ferite
* Fancy
* Fortran
* Fourier
* False
* Fsharp
* Fish
* Focal
* Forobj
* Forth
* Fob
* Falcon
* Fortran77
* Fjoelnir
* Factor
* Fortob
* Fog
* Foo
* Fantom
* Gosu
* Green Marl
* Golfscript
* Gosu
* Glass
* Googleappscript
* Grin
* Gri
* Gammaplex
* Geojson
* Golo
* Gibberish
* Go
* Groovy
* Gentzen
* Gasoil
* Gridscript
* Gecho
@ -8,5 +8,7 @@ Inspired by [](
As I watch the collection expand, this project has blown up more than I ever thought possible.
Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute, new languages are created every day!
Make sure to see for instructions on contributing to the project!
Spin-Off project smartly suggested and implemented by @zenware
Meet [FizzBuzz]( the evolution of [hello-world](
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
+hello hell
hello$twist sign hws
hello$twist stalker io
hws$scrawl " Hello, world!
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
cat >; echo >>; echo '### This repository currently contains "Hello World" programs in the following languages:' >>; ruby list_langs.rb >>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user