; "Hello World" in Motorola 68000 machine language, for AmigaOS ExecBase = 4 OpenLibrary = -552 CloseLibrary = -414 PutStr = -948 section "main", code ; open "dos.library" move.l ExecBase, a6 lea lib, a1 moveq #0, d0 jsr (OpenLibrary, a6) move.l d0, a6 ; print the message move.l #msg, d1 jsr (PutStr, a6) ; close the library, and exit with code 0 move.l a6, a1 move.l ExecBase, a6 jsr (CloseLibrary, a6) moveq #0, d0 rts lib dc.b "dos.library", 0 msg dc.b "Hello World!\n", 0