* Hello World for TI-99/4a computer with TMS9900 CPU * by Frog ( http://frog.enlight.ru ) * 15 April 2016 * **************************************************************************** DEF START WRKSP EQU >8300 VDPWD EQU >8C00 * VDP RAM write data VDPWA EQU >8C02 * VDP RAM read/write address START LIMI 0 * disable interrupts LWPI WRKSP * set default workspace * set VDP RAM start address (low and high byte) LI R0,>0000 ORI R0,>4000 SWPB R0 MOVB R0,@VDPWA SWPB R0 MOVB R0,@VDPWA LI R1,HELLOWORLD * ascii string address LI R2,12 * total chars NEXTCHAR MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD * put next char on screen DEC R2 JNE NEXTCHAR LOOPBACK JMP LOOPBACK * stop and do nothing HELLOWORLD TEXT 'HELLO WORLD!' * string data BYTE 0 END