2020-07-26 13:06:15 +02:00
2018-08-14 22:31:13 +03:00
2018-08-14 22:31:13 +03:00
2018-08-14 22:31:13 +03:00


The radian (symbol rad) is the unit for measuring angles, and is the standard unit of angular measure used in many areas of mathematics.

The length of an arc of a unit circle is numerically equal to the measurement in radians of the angle that it subtends; one radian is just under 57.3 degrees.

An arc of a circle with the same length as the radius of that circle subtends an angle of 1 radian. The circumference subtends an angle of 2π radians.


A complete revolution is 2π radians (shown here with a circle of radius one and thus circumference ).

2 pi Radian


Radians Degrees
π/12 15°
π/6 30°
π/4 45°
1 57.3°
π/3 60°
π/2 90°
π 180°
