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// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-changes-to-make-alternating-binary-string/
// Author : Hao Chen
// Date : 2021-02-14
* You are given a string s consisting only of the characters '0' and '1'. In one operation, you can
* change any '0' to '1' or vice versa.
* The string is called alternating if no two adjacent characters are equal. For example, the string
* "010" is alternating, while the string "0100" is not.
* Return the minimum number of operations needed to make s alternating.
* Example 1:
* Input: s = "0100"
* Output: 1
* Explanation: If you change the last character to '1', s will be "0101", which is alternating.
* Example 2:
* Input: s = "10"
* Output: 0
* Explanation: s is already alternating.
* Example 3:
* Input: s = "1111"
* Output: 2
* Explanation: You need two operations to reach "0101" or "1010".
* Constraints:
* 1 <= s.length <= 104
* s[i] is either '0' or '1'.
class Solution {
int minOperations(string s) {
int start_with_zero = 0;
int start_with_one = 0;
for (int i=0; i<s.size(); i++){
if (i % 2 == 0) {
s[i] == '1' ? start_with_zero++ : start_with_one++;
s[i] == '0' ? start_with_zero++ : start_with_one++;
return std::min(start_with_zero, start_with_one);