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2015-11-10 09:25:03 +08:00
// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/peeking-iterator/
// Author : Hao Chen
// Date : 2015-11-10
* Given an Iterator class interface with methods: next() and hasNext(), design and
* implement a PeekingIterator that support the peek() operation -- it essentially
* peek() at the element that will be returned by the next call to next().
* Here is an example. Assume that the iterator is initialized to the beginning of the
* list: [1, 2, 3].
* Call next() gets you 1, the first element in the list.
* Now you call peek() and it returns 2, the next element. Calling next() after that
* still return 2.
* You call next() the final time and it returns 3, the last element. Calling hasNext()
* after that should return false.
* Think of "looking ahead". You want to cache the next element.
* Is one variable sufficient? Why or why not?
* Test your design with call order of peek() before next() vs next() before peek().
* For a clean implementation, check out Google's guava library source code.
* Follow up: How would you extend your design to be generic and work with all types,
* not just integer?
* Credits:Special thanks to @porker2008 for adding this problem and creating all test
* cases.
// Below is the interface for Iterator, which is already defined for you.
// **DO NOT** modify the interface for Iterator.
class Iterator {
struct Data;
Data* data;
Iterator(const vector<int>& nums);
Iterator(const Iterator& iter);
virtual ~Iterator();
// Returns the next element in the iteration.
int next();
// Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
bool hasNext() const;
class PeekingIterator : public Iterator {
bool m_hasNext;
int m_next;
void takeNext() {
m_hasNext = Iterator::hasNext();
if (m_hasNext) {
m_next = Iterator::next();
PeekingIterator(const vector<int>& nums) : Iterator(nums) {
// Initialize any member here.
// **DO NOT** save a copy of nums and manipulate it directly.
// You should only use the Iterator interface methods.
// Returns the next element in the iteration without advancing the iterator.
int peek() {
return m_next;
// hasNext() and next() should behave the same as in the Iterator interface.
// Override them if needed.
int next() {
int temp = m_next;
return temp;
bool hasNext() const {
return m_hasNext;