New Problem Solution -"Maximum Score From Removing Substrings"

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Hao Chen 2021-03-28 23:23:38 +08:00
parent 3f87c38f8b
commit 18da053031
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@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ LeetCode
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Source :
// Author : Hao Chen
// Date : 2021-03-28
* You are given a string s and two integers x and y. You can perform two types of operations any
* number of times.
* Remove substring "ab" and gain x points.
* For example, when removing "ab" from "cabxbae" it becomes "cxbae".
* Remove substring "ba" and gain y points.
* For example, when removing "ba" from "cabxbae" it becomes "cabxe".
* Return the maximum points you can gain after applying the above operations on s.
* Example 1:
* Input: s = "cdbcbbaaabab", x = 4, y = 5
* Output: 19
* Explanation:
* - Remove the "ba" underlined in "cdbcbbaaabab". Now, s = "cdbcbbaaab" and 5 points are added to the
* score.
* - Remove the "ab" underlined in "cdbcbbaaab". Now, s = "cdbcbbaa" and 4 points are added to the
* score.
* - Remove the "ba" underlined in "cdbcbbaa". Now, s = "cdbcba" and 5 points are added to the score.
* - Remove the "ba" underlined in "cdbcba". Now, s = "cdbc" and 5 points are added to the score.
* Total score = 5 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 19.
* Example 2:
* Input: s = "aabbaaxybbaabb", x = 5, y = 4
* Output: 20
* Constraints:
* 1 <= s.length <= 10^5
* 1 <= x, y <= 10^4
* s consists of lowercase English letters.
class Solution {
int maximumGain(string s, int x, int y) {
char key[] ="ab";
if (y > x) { key[0] = 'b'; key[1]='a';}
int high = max(x,y);
int low = min(x,y);
//greedy for high score
int score = 0;
stack<char> left_stack;
for (int i=0; i<s.size(); i++) {
char c = s[i];
if ( left_stack.empty() || //stack is empty, just push directly
( c != key[0] && c != key[1] ) ) { // not the score char, just tpush cirectory
// if we meet the high score pattern
if ( c == key[1] && == key[0]){
//cout << key << endl;
score += high;
//process the low score
stack<char> right_stack;
while(!left_stack.empty()) {
char c =; left_stack.pop();
if (right_stack.empty() || c != key[0] && c != key[1]) {
// if we meet the low score pattern
if ( c == key[1] && == key[0]){
score += low;
return score;