// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-value-after-insertion/ // Author : Hao Chen // Date : 2021-05-30 /***************************************************************************************************** * * You are given a very large integer n, represented as a string, and an integer digit x. The * digits in n and the digit x are in the inclusive range [1, 9], and n may represent a negative * number. * * You want to maximize n's numerical value by inserting x anywhere in the decimal representation of n * . You cannot insert x to the left of the negative sign. * * For example, if n = 73 and x = 6, it would be best to insert it between 7 and 3, making n = 763. * If n = -55 and x = 2, it would be best to insert it before the first 5, making n = -255. * * Return a string representing the maximum value of n after the insertion. * * Example 1: * * Input: n = "99", x = 9 * Output: "999" * Explanation: The result is the same regardless of where you insert 9. * * Example 2: * * Input: n = "-13", x = 2 * Output: "-123" * Explanation: You can make n one of {-213, -123, -132}, and the largest of those three is -123. * * Constraints: * * 1 <= n.length <= 10^5 * 1 <= x <= 9 * The digits in n are in the range [1, 9]. * n is a valid representation of an integer. * In the case of a negative n, it will begin with '-'. ******************************************************************************************************/ class Solution { public: string maxValue(string n, int x) { bool neg = false; if (n[0] == '-') neg = true; int i; for( i=neg?1:0; i x) break; }else{ if (n[i]-'0' < x) break; } } n.insert(n.begin()+i, x+'0'); return n; } };