// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/thousand-separator/ // Author : Hao Chen // Date : 2020-10-03 /***************************************************************************************************** * * Given an integer n, add a dot (".") as the thousands separator and return it in string format. * * Example 1: * * Input: n = 987 * Output: "987" * * Example 2: * * Input: n = 1234 * Output: "1.234" * * Example 3: * * Input: n = 123456789 * Output: "123.456.789" * * Example 4: * * Input: n = 0 * Output: "0" * * Constraints: * * 0 <= n < 2^31 ******************************************************************************************************/ class Solution { public: string thousandSeparator(int n) { if (n==0) return "0"; int cnt=0; string result; while( n > 0 ){ int m = n % 10; result.insert(result.begin(), ('0' + m) ); cnt++; n /= 10; if (cnt % 3 == 0 && n > 0) { result = '.' + result; } } return result; } };