2024-08-17 18:19:10 -04:00

695 lines
23 KiB

import numpy as np
import torch
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from .utils import batch_jacobian, batch_hessian
from functools import reduce
from kan.utils import batch_jacobian, batch_hessian
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy
from sympy.printing import latex
def detect_separability(model, x, mode='add', score_th=1e-2, res_th=1e-2, n_clusters=None, bias=0., verbose=False):
detect function separability
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
mode : str
mode = 'add' or mode = 'mul'
score_th : float
threshold of score
res_th : float
threshold of residue
n_clusters : None or int
the number of clusters
bias : float
bias (for multiplicative separability)
verbose : bool
results (dictionary)
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: x[:,[0]] ** 2 + torch.exp(x[:,[1]]+x[:,[2]])
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,3))
>>> detect_separability(model, x, mode='add')
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: x[:,[0]] ** 2 * (x[:,[1]]+x[:,[2]])
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,3))
>>> detect_separability(model, x, mode='mul')
results = {}
if mode == 'add':
hessian = batch_hessian(model, x)
elif mode == 'mul':
compose = lambda *F: reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)), F)
hessian = batch_hessian(compose(torch.log, torch.abs, lambda x: x+bias, model), x)
std = torch.std(x, dim=0)
hessian_normalized = hessian * std[None,:] * std[:,None]
score_mat = torch.median(torch.abs(hessian_normalized), dim=0)[0]
results['hessian'] = score_mat
dist_hard = (score_mat < score_th).float()
if isinstance(n_clusters, int):
n_cluster_try = [n_clusters, n_clusters]
elif isinstance(n_clusters, list):
n_cluster_try = n_clusters
n_cluster_try = [1,x.shape[1]]
n_cluster_try = list(range(n_cluster_try[0], n_cluster_try[1]+1))
for n_cluster in n_cluster_try:
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(
labels = clustering.labels_
groups = [list(np.where(labels == i)[0]) for i in range(n_cluster)]
blocks = [torch.sum(score_mat[groups[i]][:,groups[i]]) for i in range(n_cluster)]
block_sum = torch.sum(torch.stack(blocks))
total_sum = torch.sum(score_mat)
residual_sum = total_sum - block_sum
residual_ratio = residual_sum / total_sum
if verbose == True:
print(f'n_group={n_cluster}, residual_ratio={residual_ratio}')
if residual_ratio < res_th:
results['n_groups'] = n_cluster
results['labels'] = list(labels)
results['groups'] = groups
if results['n_groups'] > 1:
print(f'{mode} separability detected')
print(f'{mode} separability not detected')
return results
def batch_grad_normgrad(model, x, group, create_graph=False):
# x in shape (Batch, Length)
group_A = group
group_B = list(set(range(x.shape[1])) - set(group))
def jac(x):
input_grad = batch_jacobian(model, x, create_graph=True)
input_grad_A = input_grad[:,group_A]
norm = torch.norm(input_grad_A, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6
input_grad_A_normalized = input_grad_A/norm
return input_grad_A_normalized
def _jac_sum(x):
return jac(x).sum(dim=0)
return torch.autograd.functional.jacobian(_jac_sum, x, create_graph=create_graph).permute(1,0,2)[:,:,group_B]
def get_dependence(model, x, group):
group_A = group
group_B = list(set(range(x.shape[1])) - set(group))
grad_normgrad = batch_grad_normgrad(model, x, group=group)
std = torch.std(x, dim=0)
dependence = grad_normgrad * std[None,group_A,None] * std[None,None,group_B]
dependence = torch.median(torch.abs(dependence), dim=0)[0]
return dependence
def test_symmetry(model, x, group, dependence_th=1e-3):
detect function separability
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
group : a list of indices
dependence_th : float
threshold of dependence
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: x[:,[0]] ** 2 * (x[:,[1]]+x[:,[2]])
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,3))
>>> print(test_symmetry(model, x, [1,2])) # True
>>> print(test_symmetry(model, x, [0,2])) # False
if len(group) == x.shape[1] or len(group) == 0:
return True
dependence = get_dependence(model, x, group)
max_dependence = torch.max(dependence)
return max_dependence < dependence_th
def test_separability(model, x, groups, mode='add', threshold=1e-2, bias=0):
test function separability
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
mode : str
mode = 'add' or mode = 'mul'
score_th : float
threshold of score
res_th : float
threshold of residue
bias : float
bias (for multiplicative separability)
verbose : bool
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: x[:,[0]] ** 2 * (x[:,[1]]+x[:,[2]])
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,3))
>>> print(test_separability(model, x, [[0],[1,2]], mode='mul')) # True
>>> print(test_separability(model, x, [[0],[1,2]], mode='add')) # False
if mode == 'add':
hessian = batch_hessian(model, x)
elif mode == 'mul':
compose = lambda *F: reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)), F)
hessian = batch_hessian(compose(torch.log, torch.abs, lambda x: x+bias, model), x)
std = torch.std(x, dim=0)
hessian_normalized = hessian * std[None,:] * std[:,None]
score_mat = torch.median(torch.abs(hessian_normalized), dim=0)[0]
sep_bool = True
# internal test
n_groups = len(groups)
for i in range(n_groups):
for j in range(i+1, n_groups):
sep_bool *= torch.max(score_mat[groups[i]][:,groups[j]]) < threshold
# external test
group_id = [x for xs in groups for x in xs]
nongroup_id = list(set(range(x.shape[1])) - set(group_id))
if len(nongroup_id) > 0 and len(group_id) > 0:
sep_bool *= torch.max(score_mat[group_id][:,nongroup_id]) < threshold
return sep_bool
def test_general_separability(model, x, groups, threshold=1e-2):
test function separability
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
mode : str
mode = 'add' or mode = 'mul'
score_th : float
threshold of score
res_th : float
threshold of residue
bias : float
bias (for multiplicative separability)
verbose : bool
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: x[:,[0]] ** 2 * (x[:,[1]]**2+x[:,[2]]**2)**2
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,3))
>>> print(test_general_separability(model, x, [[1],[0,2]])) # False
>>> print(test_general_separability(model, x, [[0],[1,2]])) # True
grad = batch_jacobian(model, x)
gensep_bool = True
n_groups = len(groups)
for i in range(n_groups):
for j in range(i+1,n_groups):
group_A = groups[i]
group_B = groups[j]
for member_A in group_A:
for member_B in group_B:
def func(x):
grad = batch_jacobian(model, x, create_graph=True)
return grad[:,[member_B]]/grad[:,[member_A]]
# test if func is multiplicative separable
gensep_bool *= test_separability(func, x, groups, mode='mul', threshold=threshold)
return gensep_bool
def get_molecule(model, x, sym_th=1e-3, verbose=True):
how variables are combined hierarchically
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
sym_th : float
threshold of symmetry
verbose : bool
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: ((x[:,[0]] ** 2 + x[:,[1]] ** 2) ** 2 + (x[:,[2]] ** 2 + x[:,[3]] ** 2) ** 2) ** 2 + ((x[:,[4]] ** 2 + x[:,[5]] ** 2) ** 2 + (x[:,[6]] ** 2 + x[:,[7]] ** 2) ** 2) ** 2
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,8))
>>> get_molecule(model, x, verbose=False)
[[[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]],
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]],
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]],
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]]
n = x.shape[1]
atoms = [[i] for i in range(n)]
molecules = []
moleculess = [copy.deepcopy(atoms)]
already_full = False
n_layer = 0
last_n_molecule = n
while True:
pointer = 0
current_molecule = []
remove_atoms = []
n_atom = 0
while len(atoms) > 0:
# assemble molecule
atom = atoms[pointer]
if verbose:
if len(current_molecule) == 0:
full = False
current_molecule += atom
n_atom += 1
# try assemble the atom to the molecule
if len(current_molecule+atom) == x.shape[1] and already_full == False and n_atom > 1 and n_layer > 0:
full = True
already_full = True
full = False
if test_symmetry(model, x, current_molecule+atom, dependence_th=sym_th):
current_molecule += atom
n_atom += 1
pointer += 1
if pointer == len(atoms) or full:
if full:
# remove molecules from atoms
for atom in remove_atoms:
current_molecule = []
remove_atoms = []
pointer = 0
# if not making progress, terminate
if len(molecules) == last_n_molecule:
def flatten(xss):
return [x for xs in xss for x in xs]
last_n_molecule = len(molecules)
if len(molecules) == 1:
atoms = molecules
molecules = []
n_layer += 1
#print(n_layer, atoms)
# sort
depth = len(moleculess) - 1
for l in list(range(depth,0,-1)):
molecules_sorted = []
molecules_l = moleculess[l]
molecules_lm1 = moleculess[l-1]
for molecule_l in molecules_l:
start = 0
for i in range(1,len(molecule_l)+1):
if molecule_l[start:i] in molecules_lm1:
start = i
moleculess[l-1] = molecules_sorted
return moleculess
def get_tree_node(model, x, moleculess, sep_th=1e-2, skip_test=True):
get tree nodes
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
sep_th : float
threshold of separability
skip_test : bool
if True, don't test the property of each module (to save time)
arities : list of numbers
properties : list of strings
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: ((x[:,[0]] ** 2 + x[:,[1]] ** 2) ** 2 + (x[:,[2]] ** 2 + x[:,[3]] ** 2) ** 2) ** 2 + ((x[:,[4]] ** 2 + x[:,[5]] ** 2) ** 2 + (x[:,[6]] ** 2 + x[:,[7]] ** 2) ** 2) ** 2
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,8))
>>> moleculess = get_molecule(model, x, verbose=False)
>>> get_tree_node(model, x, moleculess, skip_test=False)
arities = []
properties = []
depth = len(moleculess) - 1
for l in range(depth):
molecules_l = copy.deepcopy(moleculess[l])
molecules_lp1 = copy.deepcopy(moleculess[l+1])
arity_l = []
property_l = []
for molecule in molecules_lp1:
start = 0
arity = 0
groups = []
for i in range(1,len(molecule)+1):
if molecule[start:i] in molecules_l:
start = i
arity += 1
if arity == 1:
property = 'Id'
property = ''
# test property
if skip_test:
gensep_bool = False
gensep_bool = test_general_separability(model, x, groups, threshold=sep_th)
if gensep_bool:
property = 'GS'
if l == depth - 1:
if skip_test:
add_bool = False
mul_bool = False
add_bool = test_separability(model, x, groups, mode='add', threshold=sep_th)
mul_bool = test_separability(model, x, groups, mode='mul', threshold=sep_th)
if add_bool:
property = 'Add'
if mul_bool:
property = 'Mul'
return arities, properties
def plot_tree(model, x, in_var=None, style='tree', sym_th=1e-3, sep_th=1e-1, skip_sep_test=False, verbose=False):
get tree graph
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
in_var : list of symbols
input variables
style : str
'tree' or 'box'
sym_th : float
threshold of symmetry
sep_th : float
threshold of separability
skip_sep_test : bool
if True, don't test the property of each module (to save time)
verbose : bool
a tree graph
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> model = lambda x: ((x[:,[0]] ** 2 + x[:,[1]] ** 2) ** 2 + (x[:,[2]] ** 2 + x[:,[3]] ** 2) ** 2) ** 2 + ((x[:,[4]] ** 2 + x[:,[5]] ** 2) ** 2 + (x[:,[6]] ** 2 + x[:,[7]] ** 2) ** 2) ** 2
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,8))
>>> plot_tree(model, x)
moleculess = get_molecule(model, x, sym_th=sym_th, verbose=verbose)
arities, properties = get_tree_node(model, x, moleculess, sep_th=sep_th, skip_test=skip_sep_test)
n = x.shape[1]
var = None
in_vars = []
if in_var == None:
for ii in range(1, n + 1):
exec(f"x{ii} = sympy.Symbol('x_{ii}')")
elif type(var[0]) == Symbol:
in_vars = var
in_vars = [sympy.symbols(var_) for var_ in var]
def flatten(xss):
return [x for xs in xss for x in xs]
def myrectangle(center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y):
plt.plot([center_x - width_x/2, center_x + width_x/2], [center_y + width_y/2, center_y + width_y/2], color='k') # up
plt.plot([center_x - width_x/2, center_x + width_x/2], [center_y - width_y/2, center_y - width_y/2], color='k') # down
plt.plot([center_x - width_x/2, center_x - width_x/2], [center_y - width_y/2, center_y + width_y/2], color='k') # left
plt.plot([center_x + width_x/2, center_x + width_x/2], [center_y - width_y/2, center_y + width_y/2], color='k') # left
depth = len(moleculess)
delta = 1/n
a = 0.3
b = 0.15
y0 = 0.5
# draw rectangles
for l in range(depth-1):
molecules = moleculess[l+1]
n_molecule = len(molecules)
centers = []
acc_arity = 0
for i in range(n_molecule):
start_id = len(flatten(molecules[:i]))
end_id = len(flatten(molecules[:i+1]))
center_x = (start_id + (end_id - 1 - start_id)/2) * delta + delta/2
center_y = (l+1/2)*y0
width_x = (end_id - start_id - 1 + 2*a)*delta
width_y = 2*b
# add text (numbers) on rectangles
if style == 'box':
myrectangle(center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y)
plt.text(center_x, center_y, properties[l][i], fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='center',
elif style == 'tree':
# if 'GS', no rectangle, n=arity tilted lines
# if 'Id', no rectangle, n=arity vertical lines
# if 'Add' or 'Mul'. rectangle, "+" or "x"
# if '', rectangle
property = properties[l][i]
if property == 'GS' or property == 'Add' or property == 'Mul':
color = 'blue'
arity = arities[l][i]
for j in range(arity):
if l == 0:
# x = (start_id + j) * delta + delta/2, center_x
# y = center_y - b, center_y + b
plt.plot([(start_id + j) * delta + delta/2, center_x], [center_y - b, center_y + b], color=color)
# x = last_centers[acc_arity:acc_arity+arity], center_x
# y = center_y - b, center_y + b
plt.plot([last_centers[acc_arity+j], center_x], [center_y - b, center_y + b], color=color)
acc_arity += arity
if property == 'Add' or property == 'Mul':
if property == 'Add':
symbol = '+'
symbol = '*'
plt.text(center_x, center_y + b, symbol, horizontalalignment='center',
verticalalignment='center', color='red', fontsize=40)
if property == 'Id':
plt.plot([center_x, center_x], [center_y-width_y/2, center_y+width_y/2], color='black')
if property == '':
myrectangle(center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y)
# connections to the next layer
plt.plot([center_x, center_x], [center_y+width_y/2, center_y+y0-width_y/2], color='k')
last_centers = copy.deepcopy(centers)
# connections from input variables to the first layer
for i in range(n):
x_ = (i + 1/2) * delta
# connections to the next layer
plt.plot([x_, x_], [0, y0/2-width_y/2], color='k')
plt.text(x_, -0.05*(depth-1), f'${latex(in_vars[moleculess[0][i][0]])}$', fontsize=20, horizontalalignment='center')
def test_symmetry_var(model, x, input_vars, symmetry_var):
test symmetry
model : MultKAN, MLP or python function
x : 2D torch.float
input_vars : list of sympy symbols
symmetry_var : sympy expression
cosine similarity
>>> from kan.hypothesis import *
>>> from sympy import *
>>> model = lambda x: x[:,[0]] * (x[:,[1]] + x[:,[2]])
>>> x = torch.normal(0,1,size=(100,8))
>>> input_vars = a, b, c = symbols('a b c')
>>> symmetry_var = b + c
>>> test_symmetry_var(model, x, input_vars, symmetry_var);
>>> symmetry_var = b * c
>>> test_symmetry_var(model, x, input_vars, symmetry_var);
orig_vars = input_vars
sym_var = symmetry_var
# gradients wrt to input (model)
input_grad = batch_jacobian(model, x)
# gradients wrt to input (symmetry var)
func = lambdify(orig_vars, sym_var,'numpy') # returns a numpy-ready function
func2 = lambda x: func(*[x[:,[i]] for i in range(len(orig_vars))])
sym_grad = batch_jacobian(func2, x)
# get id
idx = []
sym_symbols = list(sym_var.free_symbols)
for sym_symbol in sym_symbols:
for j in range(len(orig_vars)):
if sym_symbol == orig_vars[j]:
input_grad_part = input_grad[:,idx]
sym_grad_part = sym_grad[:,idx]
cossim = torch.abs(torch.sum(input_grad_part * sym_grad_part, dim=1)/(torch.norm(input_grad_part, dim=1)*torch.norm(sym_grad_part, dim=1)))
ratio = torch.sum(cossim > 0.9)/len(cossim)
print(f'{100*ratio}% data have more than 0.9 cosine similarity')
if ratio > 0.9:
print('suggesting symmetry')
print('not suggesting symmetry')
return cossim