2024-04-27 17:24:14 -04:00

256 lines
9.2 KiB

import numpy as np
import torch
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import sympy
# sigmoid = sympy.Function('sigmoid')
# name: (torch implementation, sympy implementation)
SYMBOLIC_LIB = {'x': (lambda x: x, lambda x: x),
'x^2': (lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x**2),
'x^3': (lambda x: x**3, lambda x: x**3),
'x^4': (lambda x: x**4, lambda x: x**4),
'1/x': (lambda x: 1/x, lambda x: 1/x),
'1/x^2': (lambda x: 1/x**2, lambda x: 1/x**2),
'1/x^3': (lambda x: 1/x**3, lambda x: 1/x**3),
'1/x^4': (lambda x: 1/x**4, lambda x: 1/x**4),
'sqrt': (lambda x: torch.sqrt(x), lambda x: sympy.sqrt(x)),
'1/sqrt(x)': (lambda x: 1/torch.sqrt(x), lambda x: 1/sympy.sqrt(x)),
'exp': (lambda x: torch.exp(x), lambda x: sympy.exp(x)),
'log': (lambda x: torch.log(x), lambda x: sympy.log(x)),
'abs': (lambda x: torch.abs(x), lambda x: sympy.Abs(x)),
'sin': (lambda x: torch.sin(x), lambda x: sympy.sin(x)),
'tan': (lambda x: torch.tan(x), lambda x: sympy.tan(x)),
'tanh': (lambda x: torch.tanh(x), lambda x: sympy.tanh(x)),
'sigmoid': (lambda x: torch.sigmoid(x), sympy.Function('sigmoid')),
#'relu': (lambda x: torch.relu(x), relu),
'sgn': (lambda x: torch.sign(x), lambda x: sympy.sign(x)),
'arcsin': (lambda x: torch.arcsin(x), lambda x: sympy.arcsin(x)),
'arctan': (lambda x: torch.arctan(x), lambda x: sympy.atan(x)),
'arctanh': (lambda x: torch.arctanh(x), lambda x: sympy.atanh(x)),
'0': (lambda x: x*0, lambda x: x*0),
'gaussian': (lambda x: torch.exp(-x**2), lambda x: sympy.exp(-x**2)),
'cosh': (lambda x: torch.cosh(x), lambda x: sympy.cosh(x)),
#'logcosh': (lambda x: torch.log(torch.cosh(x)), lambda x: sympy.log(sympy.cosh(x))),
#'cosh^2': (lambda x: torch.cosh(x)**2, lambda x: sympy.cosh(x)**2),
def create_dataset(f,
ranges = [-1,1],
create dataset
f : function
the symbolic formula used to create the synthetic dataset
ranges : list or np.array; shape (2,) or (n_var, 2)
the range of input variables. Default: [-1,1].
train_num : int
the number of training samples. Default: 1000.
test_num : int
the number of test samples. Default: 1000.
normalize_input : bool
If True, apply normalization to inputs. Default: False.
normalize_label : bool
If True, apply normalization to labels. Default: False.
device : str
device. Default: 'cpu'.
seed : int
random seed. Default: 0.
dataset : dic
Train/test inputs/labels are dataset['train_input'], dataset['train_label'],
dataset['test_input'], dataset['test_label']
>>> f = lambda x: torch.exp(torch.sin(torch.pi*x[:,[0]]) + x[:,[1]]**2)
>>> dataset = create_dataset(f, n_var=2, train_num=100)
>>> dataset['train_input'].shape
torch.Size([100, 2])
if len(np.array(ranges).shape) == 1:
ranges = np.array(ranges * n_var).reshape(n_var,2)
ranges = np.array(ranges)
train_input = torch.zeros(train_num, n_var)
test_input = torch.zeros(test_num, n_var)
for i in range(n_var):
train_input[:,i] = torch.rand(train_num,)*(ranges[i,1]-ranges[i,0])+ranges[i,0]
test_input[:,i] = torch.rand(test_num,)*(ranges[i,1]-ranges[i,0])+ranges[i,0]
train_label = f(train_input)
test_label = f(test_input)
def normalize(data, mean, std):
return (data-mean)/std
if normalize_input == True:
mean_input = torch.mean(train_input, dim=0, keepdim=True)
std_input = torch.std(train_input, dim=0, keepdim=True)
train_input = normalize(train_input, mean_input, std_input)
test_input = normalize(test_input, mean_input, std_input)
if normalize_label == True:
mean_label = torch.mean(train_label, dim=0, keepdim=True)
std_label = torch.std(train_label, dim=0, keepdim=True)
train_label = normalize(train_label, mean_label, std_label)
test_label = normalize(test_label, mean_label, std_label)
dataset = {}
dataset['train_input'] = train_input.to(device)
dataset['test_input'] = test_input.to(device)
dataset['train_label'] = train_label.to(device)
dataset['test_label'] = test_label.to(device)
return dataset
def fit_params(x, y, fun, a_range=(-10,10), b_range=(-10,10), grid_number=101, iteration=3, verbose=True):
fit a, b, c, d such that
.. math::
is minimized. Both x and y are 1D array. Sweep a and b, find the best fitted model.
x : 1D array
x values
y : 1D array
y values
fun : function
symbolic function
a_range : tuple
sweeping range of a
b_range : tuple
sweeping range of b
grid_num : int
number of steps along a and b
iteration : int
number of zooming in
verbose : bool
print extra information if True
a_best : float
best fitted a
b_best : float
best fitted b
c_best : float
best fitted c
d_best : float
best fitted d
r2_best : float
best r2 (coefficient of determination)
>>> num = 100
>>> x = torch.linspace(-1,1,steps=num)
>>> noises = torch.normal(0,1,(num,)) * 0.02
>>> y = 5.0*torch.sin(3.0*x + 2.0) + 0.7 + noises
>>> fit_params(x, y, torch.sin)
r2 is 0.9999727010726929
(tensor([2.9982, 1.9996, 5.0053, 0.7011]), tensor(1.0000))
# fit a, b, c, d such that y=c*fun(a*x+b)+d; both x and y are 1D array.
# sweep a and b, choose the best fitted model
for _ in range(iteration):
a_ = torch.linspace(a_range[0], a_range[1], steps=grid_number)
b_ = torch.linspace(b_range[0], b_range[1], steps=grid_number)
a_grid, b_grid = torch.meshgrid(a_, b_, indexing='ij')
post_fun = fun(a_grid[None,:,:] * x[:,None,None] + b_grid[None,:,:])
x_mean = torch.mean(post_fun, dim=[0], keepdim=True)
y_mean = torch.mean(y, dim=[0], keepdim=True)
numerator = torch.sum((post_fun - x_mean)*(y-y_mean)[:,None,None], dim=0)**2
denominator = torch.sum((post_fun - x_mean)**2, dim=0)*torch.sum((y - y_mean)[:,None,None]**2, dim=0)
r2 = numerator/(denominator+1e-4)
r2 = torch.nan_to_num(r2)
best_id = torch.argmax(r2)
a_id, b_id = torch.div(best_id, grid_number, rounding_mode='floor'), best_id % grid_number
if a_id == 0 or a_id == grid_number - 1 or b_id == 0 or b_id == grid_number - 1:
if _ == 0 and verbose==True:
print('Best value at boundary.')
if a_id == 0:
a_arange = [a_[0], a_[1]]
if a_id == grid_number - 1:
a_arange = [a_[-2], a_[-1]]
if b_id == 0:
b_arange = [b_[0], b_[1]]
if b_id == grid_number - 1:
b_arange = [b_[-2], b_[-1]]
a_range = [a_[a_id-1], a_[a_id+1]]
b_range = [b_[b_id-1], b_[b_id+1]]
a_best = a_[a_id]
b_best = b_[b_id]
post_fun = fun(a_best * x + b_best)
r2_best = r2[a_id, b_id]
if verbose == True:
print(f"r2 is {r2_best}")
if r2_best < 0.9:
print(f'r2 is not very high, please double check if you are choosing the correct symbolic function.')
post_fun = torch.nan_to_num(post_fun)
reg = LinearRegression().fit(post_fun[:,None].detach().numpy(), y.detach().numpy())
c_best = torch.from_numpy(reg.coef_)[0]
d_best = torch.from_numpy(np.array(reg.intercept_))
return torch.stack([a_best, b_best, c_best, d_best]), r2_best
def add_symbolic(name, fun):
add a symbolic function to library
name : str
name of the function
fun : fun
torch function or lambda function
>>> print(SYMBOLIC_LIB['Bessel'])
KeyError: 'Bessel'
>>> add_symbolic('Bessel', torch.special.bessel_j0)
>>> print(SYMBOLIC_LIB['Bessel'])
(<built-in function special_bessel_j0>, Bessel)
exec(f"globals()['{name}'] = sympy.Function('{name}')")
SYMBOLIC_LIB[name] = (fun, globals()[name])