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MIT 6.031: Software Construction


  • 所属大学MIT
  • 先修要求:掌握至少一门编程语言
  • 编程语言Java
  • 课程难度:🌟🌟🌟🌟
  • 预计学时100 小时


Safe from bugs. Correctness (correct behavior right now) and defensiveness (correct behavior in the future) are required in any software we build.

Easy to understand. The code has to communicate to future programmers who need to understand it and make changes in it (fixing bugs or adding new features). That future programmer might be you, months or years from now. Youll be surprised how much you forget if you dont write it down, and how much it helps your own future self to have a good design.

Ready for change. Software always changes. Some designs make it easy to make changes; others require throwing away and rewriting a lot of code.

为此,这门课的设计者们精心编写了一本书来阐释诸多软件构建的核心原则与前人总结下来的宝贵经验,内容细节到如何编写注释和函数 Specification如何设计抽象数据结构以及诸多并行编程的内容并且会让你在精心设计的 Java 编程项目里体验和练习这些编程模式。



  • 课程网站:2021spring, 2016spring
  • 课程视频:无
  • 课程教材:参见课程网站的课程 notes
  • 课程作业4 个编程作业 + 1 个 Project


@PKUFlyingPig 在学习这门课中用到的所有资源和作业实现都汇总在 PKUFlyingPig/MIT6.031-software-construction - GitHub 中。

@pengzhangzhi 完成了这门课的作业并记录了笔记, 代码开源在 pengzhangzhi/self-taught-CS/Software Construction - Github