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[COURSE] Add ETH Computer Architecture Course (#468)
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2023-06-30 17:32:59 +08:00

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ETH: Computer Architecture


  • 所属大学ETH Zurich
  • 先修要求:DDCA
  • 编程语言C/C++verilog
  • 课程难度:🌟🌟🌟🌟
  • 预计学时70 小时 +

讲解计算机体系结构,授课教师是 Onur Mutlu 教授。本课程根据课程描述应该是DDCA的进阶课程课程目标是学习如何为类MIPS处理器设计控制和数据通路硬件如何通过流水线和简单的超标量执行使机器指令同时执行以及如何设计快速的内存和存储系统。根据同学反馈从课程本身的难度上说至少高于 CS61C 课程的部分内容十分前沿B站搬运UP主建议大家作为卡内基梅隆大学18-447的补充。所提供的阅读材料十分丰富相当于听了一学期讲座。


We will learn the fundamental concepts of the different parts of modern computing systems, as well as the latest major research topics in Industry and Academia. We will extensively cover memory systems (including DRAM and new Non-Volatile Memory technologies, memory controllers, flash memory), new paradigms like processing-in-memory, parallel computing systems (including multicore processors, coherence and consistency, GPUs), heterogeneous computing, interconnection networks, specialized systems for major data-intensive workloads (e.g. graph analytics, bioinformatics, machine learning), etc. We will focus on fundamentals as well as cutting-edge research. Significant attention will be given to real-life examples and tradeoffs, as well as critical analysis of modern computing systems.

编程实践采取 Verilog 设计和模拟类 MIPS 流水线处理器的寄存器传输RT实现以此加强对理论课程的理解。因此前几个实验会有 verilog 的 CPU 流水线编程。同时还将使用C语言开发一个周期精确的处理器模拟器并使用该模拟器探索处理器设计选项。


